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And there he was, rubbing his scars and wounds, standing over the edge of Chaos, with Erebus by his side. "So.... What you're saying is.... You're my dad?" Percy asked, confused. The Primordial nodded. "Yes. You died before I could save you the first time, so you were reincarnated as Perseus Jackson." Makes sense, he supposed. "So why did you tell me this now, and not some other time?" Erebus smiled slightly, though it seemed apologetic at the same time. "I had to wait until you truly saw the gods for who they were, then I could set the plan in action." he said quietly. And it was true. After all those years in Tartarus, being tortured and ridiculed by Polybotes definitely did spark hatred in his heart.

He hated what the gods forced him into. He hated what they did to him. He hated them. ".... What's the plan?" he asked, deciding not to say anything about the gods. Erebus sighed. "I am getting older. Nyx and I share roles, you see, and with the children she has spawned, my own power is getting weaker. While this is occurring, the Olympians are becoming stronger. They are becoming more and more corrupt, listening to their own whims and desires over improving this world. This where you come in. You will be my successor, and the Olympians will fall at your feet." Percy was silent, awestruck, and trying to comprehend what he just said. "I... I can do that? I have the power to do that?" Erebus laughed at his response, his chaotic black eyes glittering with amusement. "Indeed, my son. When you were born, I realized that you were the world's last hope. I poured as much power and potential into you as I could, and look what a fine young man you turned out to be. Perhaps I gave you too much. We look a bit too alike."

Certainly, he did look something like Percy. They both had the same black hair, though his had white at the ends, the same skin tone, as Percy's own skin had paled significantly from his time in Tartarus, and most importantly, the same swirling black mass of Void in the eyes. Percy had observed his eyes changing from a bright sea green darkening to a swirling black mass over time, and it had originally frightened him. To peer into a puddle of water and see his eyes darken and change was... Startling, to say the least. But, over time, he found himself more and more comfortable with it.

"So when do I begin?" he asked eagerly. "As soon as you're ready." Erebus replied, a wide smile on his face. "Well, I'm ready now."

"Then we can start now. Come along, son."

"One more thing."


"What's my real name?"

"Oh yes. Your real name is-"

"Skotadi...." he muttered quietly. He touched his scar carefully. ".... Hopefully I can find him." He stood up and walked away, back into the depths.

Sorry for the short update! I'll try to make the next one longer!

Edited: 5.17.2019

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