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A/N: This story is a pretty big canon divergence from the Percy Jackson series, so it will be pretty OOC for both Percy and other heroes, really. And in this story, the Trials of Apollo series isn't a thing.

"Tartarus and Gaea are angry. Extremely angry that their sons were defeated by the Greek and Roman demigods. As expected, they want revenge. And they might get it, because Gaea is stirring again."
The crowd started muttering amongst themselves, exchanging wary glances and unenthusiastic looks.
"Now, you must be thinking: Skotadi, have you lost your mind? Gaea, stirring again? Wasn't she put back to sleep when the demigods defeated the Giants? Well yes, that did happen, but her anger was so great that she wasn't able to return to a peaceful slumber. Our spies around Camp Half-blood and Camp Jupiter returned with this information just two days ago, and they were extremely unnerved."
Luke shifted in his spot, his thoughts running through his head at lightning speed. It was concerning, first and foremost, but Percy's reaction was strange. Instead of seeming worried, his posture was relaxed, and a slight smirk had tilted his lips upwar. 'Gaea, awake again? Gods above, if she manages to get further than before...'
"She'll be able to destroy Olympus and both Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter," Percy finished Luke's thought for him, his dark eyes intense as he stared around. Then he smiled. Luke had to admit that the smile made him look younger, more of the enthusiastic, bubbly Percy that he had taught at camp. At camp... His stomach turned and twisted in on itself as he thought of those years spent trying to bring Kronos back from the pits of Tartarus. Then he shook his head slightly to rid himself of the feelings that plagued him so and shoved the thoughts into the back of his mind. There were more important things to be done and dealt with. Percy was speaking again."My plan is to take the Olympians down with the help of our new comrades. Give them a hand, everyone." Percy gestured around the crowd as well as Luke to raucous applause, and he grinned before continuing.
Once they had quieted, there was muttering amongst the crowd again, eyes flickering around almost feverishly. Then a tall man who Luke hadn't noticed before stepped forward seemingly from the shadows. Standing next to Percy, Luke noticed that the two were about the same height and looked eerily similar. Then something stirred in the depths of his memory and he almost slapped a hand against his forehead. How could he have so stupid? This, of course, was Erebus. At the sight of the Primordial, the voices died down to be replaced with silent attentiveness.
"The real plan must stay between all of us, correct? We wouldn't want anything unfortunate to happen to those who let too much slip." Erebus winked slyly and he and his son seemed highly amused. The crowd less so, but they all nodded. They knew that this would be binding, and they didn't want to do anything to gain the ire of Percy or Erebus.
"Oh, and one more thing: Zeus himself has asked for our assistance in the war against Gaea and Tartarus. Just an easier way to infiltrate their forces, eh?"
He smirked, spreading his arms wide into the air. "Welcome to the Skoúro Strató all newcomers! We're looking forward to having you here."

"Hey, Percy?" Luke caught up to the commander, who turned and gave him a slight smile. The smile made Luke's insides twist and his mouth went dry as he looked at Percy. His own reaction confused him. This was just Percy, the same person who he had taught to block and strike. But for some reason, he found himself nervous. "Yeah, what's up?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow at Luke. "Er... How did you get all these heroes to "switch sides" so to say?" Percy considered him for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "I didn't do anything. They all chose to change their viewpoints. I'm not really the best person to ask, so I'd recommend talking to the others." After giving Luke another slight smile, he headed off to the training arena.
"Hercules, just the man I was looking for!" Luke grinned as he slung an arm over the hero's shoulder. The hero laughed, the booming sound reverberating around the corridor. "Listen, man, I was wondering if you'd be cool if I asked you a question?"
"Ask away, Luke Castellan!" He smiled confidently at Luke, whose smile turned a little more sly. "Y'know, I was curious... Why did you decide to support the idea of turning against the Olympians, and why did others as well?" At this, Hercules' smile wavered slightly and he sighed heavily, his shoulders almost sagging. "The Olympians have never really cared for us demigods. They only ask us for favors, then disregard us. They exploit the earth and its people for their own gain, not even bothering to thank them. Even though they made me a minor god for a while, I eventually came to realize what they really wanted. It sickens me, and I never want them back when we crush them. The other heroes have also realized this, and thus "switched sides" as you might say."
Luke nodded, thoughtful as he stared at the far wall. He waved goodbye to Hercules distantly, still deep in his musings, and headed back to his quarters. When he had tried to raise Kronos, he had realized this very same thing, and kept his alliances with Kronos. It made sense to try and take them down, and if they did, they could install a different counsel instead. He smiled. This would be an interesting war.

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