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Did you really want this?..."Yes."

Pale blue eyes fluttered open, staring up at the white ceiling with a blank expression. With a soft sigh, they swung their legs over the side and ran a hand through blond hair. Then they paused, feeling the very real strands of hair between very real fingers.

"Oh my gods...."

They rushed over to a vanity on the opposite wall and stared in. Luke stared at his fully corporeal face with a look of wonder, gently touching his face. "Wow...." He broke into a wide smile, then faltered a bit. He was back in his body. His old one?

The door opened softly and from the corner of his eye, Luke saw a dark haired male slip in and close the door after. He turned his head and caught Luke's eye. The male's eyes were pure black and he had an uncanny resemblance to a previous friend. "Percy...?" he breathed out quietly. The male cracked a crooked grin, threw his head back, and let out a loud laugh. "No, young one. I am not Skotadi. Instead, I am his father, Erebus." Luke's eyes widened. "I had no idea that Poseidon wasn't his actual dad..." he said in amazement.

"Yes. He wished me to check up on you to make sure he was awake before he came in. He was worried about your reaction to your whole... Situation. Well, goodbye. I will see you... Soon. Perhaps." Erebus nodded goodbye and walked out. Luke just stared after him, unsure of what to say and what even just happened. After a few minutes, a dark haired boy with a rather nervous expression walked in and closed the door behind him. His dark locks fell over his dark eyes as he looked at Luke. "Holy Hades! Percy! What the fuck happened to you?" He asked, surprised, and also rather wary. After all, Percy did apparently go through something that turned his eyes fucking black. It was strange to look at him in this way. Percy had grown since they had last seen each other; he was a bit taller now, about the same height as Luke, and even through his clothes, Luke could tell that he was well-built.

"Luke. How are you feeling?." His voice was quiet, much quieter than Luke had remembered it being, but it had a commanding air about it. "As good as someone who just got resurrected can feel." Luke said sarcastically, raising an eyebrow at the male in front of him. He was so different from the old Percy he knew; always excited, determined, and always with a snarky comment on the tip of his tongue. However, this Percy was.... Different. He seemed older, more weathered, and much, much sadder. He seemed broken.

And that made Luke sad. He didn't know how, but it made something inside him worry. "Are... You alright?" he asked hesitantly. Percy blinked, then smiled slightly at him. "Yeah. I'm fine Luke, don't worry about me."

Even though he was suspicious, Luke nodded and suddenly rushed forward and hugged Percy. The son of Erebus was startled and he immediately tensed up, but slowly he relaxed and hugged him back. They stood there for a while, just taking in each other's presence.

"Gods, Percy, it is so good to see you again..." Luke smiled widely when he let go of Percy. Percy just had to smile at the bright smile that Luke was giving him, and nodded. "Yeah. It is good to see you again." There was a knock on the door and a female voice called in through the door.

"Commander, are you finished? Hercules just managed to topple a statue of Hera and it fell on top of Perseus." With a sigh and a shake of his head, Percy called back. "One moment, Silena." Luke was staring at Percy with wide eyes. "What is it?" he questioned, tilting his head slightly.

"I... When did you become a commander?" he asked slowly, trying to figure this out. Silena was dead, yet here she was, talking to Percy. Maybe it had something to do with how he got resurrected? He wasn't sure what the mechanism was on that, and he wasn't even sure he wanted to know. "Oh. Yeah. Uh... I'll explain this to you in detail later, but for now, I need to make sure that my namesake doesn't die a second time!"

And with that, he was gone, out the door in a few seconds. Luke stared at the closed door with a slightly bemused expression, before letting out a sigh and flopping back down on the bed.

Sorry for the long wait! I was drained of creativity and it was kinda hard to get all this out.

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