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Percy stared at Hercules, arms crossed, before letting out a sigh. His hands fell to his sides as he shook his head, turning to his left. "Hercules, I told you that you can't just topple statues onto other people like, 3 million times already! And yet you've toppled them the same amount of times! I can't just resurrect heroes each time they die, or else Hades is gonna get suspicious and that is the last thing we need right now. I've already had to resurrect Perseus twice." he reiterated, a faint scowl appearing on his expressions. "I know... But..."
"You hate her." Percy finished, his voice deadpan and then sighed once more. "Yes, I know, but at least topple them when no one is around. I'm not saying that you aren't allowed to topple them, but that you should at least wait." he waved a hand, and Hercules took it to mean that he was dismissed. With a slight nod and bow, the great hero walked out, before Percy slumped into a throne-like chair. "Katerops?" he called quietly. There was a quiet pop, and then a young boy appeared. He had soft brown hair and green eyes, and was eerily similar to Percy's previous half-brother, James. "Yes?" the boy asked quietly, the sweetest of smiles gracing his delicate features. "We need another statue of Hera. Could you place in another order?"
The boy nodded, bowed slightly, and then turned into a small waxwing and flew out the door. Percy leaned back against his chair and blew out a quiet sigh. Suddenly a blond-haired man stepped into the room. Luke looked around, and caught sight of Percy, and his cheeks flushed a faint pink. "Sorry for barging in like that... I was trying to find the mess hall, and I seem to be lost." The son of Erebus merely looked amused as he leaned towards Luke slightly.
"Mess halls usually have quite a bit of noise, no? And this room is rather quiet, correct? So why would the mess hall be here? There is only one entrance to this room, and no hallway leading to different places..." Percy commented idly, throwing his legs over one arm rest and resting his back against the opposite one. Luke shrugged half-heartedly, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his head. Percy just smiled slightly, fondly, as he spoke. "The mess hall is down the hallway you came from; the second door to your right." The son of Hermes nodded gratefully and quickly exited the room.
Percy swung his legs like a child as he contemplated the closed door, his left hand resting on his sword sheath and his right propping up his chin. Luke Castellan, son of Hermes, ex-host of Kronos, Titan of Time. He was certainly a puzzle. When he was at Camp Half-Blood, he had to admit that he had a bit of a giant crush on his mentor, and seeing him again in a non-titan containing scenario did plenty to awake some of those old feelings. Those blue eyes were mesmerizing. He was too distracted, he realized, and shook his head to rid himself of those thoughts before he dropped off his chair and landed lightly with no sound. With his face warming, he opened the door and headed out to the mess hall.
As he neared the hall, the sounds of soldiers and monsters hissing, speaking loudly, and the overall sound of dishes rattling and clanking grew louder. Percy threw open the doors and immediately everyone stopped, the hall eerily silent. Percy's face broke out into a full smirk as strode down the aisle, nodding to a few generals or important figures.
He waved his hand carelessly and the chatter and noise returned at full force as everyone sat down. Percy plopped down next to Luke, who was studying him with his intense gaze, before smiling.
"Nice trick." he snickered, Percy seemingly pleased.
"Thanks. It actually took quite a bit of practice and fear to drill that lesson into them." the son of Erebus said absently as he waved over an air nymph and told her what he wanted. He then turned back to Luke.
"So how are you liking it here?" he asked curiously, grabbing a bright red apple from the center of the table. Luke shrugged as he took a drink from his cup. "It's pretty nice, but the training area and arena are incredibly impressive. It definitely outshines Camp Half-Blood."
As he spoke those words, he saw Percy pale slightly at the words "Camp Half-Blood" and was naturally curious. However, he thought better of it and didn't question it. "So what's the plan? Why did you resurrect me?" Luke wondered, watching as a plate of what seemed to be steak and vegetables landed in front of Percy. The dark-haired male set down his apple - which had a singular bite in it - and studied the plate in front of him. He then turned his head and looked at Luke with a small smile.
"You'll figure that out later, during the weekly gathering. Or if you don't figure it out, I will be saying it clearly." he shrugged and pushed away the plate, picking up his apple again. Why he didn't eat from his plate, Luke wasn't sure about, but didn't ask. He figured that it was probably related to the mention of Camp Half-Blood, and he didn't blame Percy for losing his appetite. Percy finished his apple and placed the core on the table and stood up, the whole hall falling silent again.
"War room in 30 minutes." he said sharply, before looking down at Luke.
"Care to train some before the gathering?" he asked, extending his hand out. Luke looked at him searchingly before nodding and taking his hand. Percy seemed satisfied and nodded before the two disappeared in a puff of black smoke.
They reappeared on the training room floor and Percy looked at Luke with an almost maniacal glint in his unusual eyes.
"Do you still have Backbiter?"
Luke nodded, pulling out his sword. The leather handle fit comfortably in his hands, and he shifted his grasp slightly.
"Good. Now, I want you to try to defeat me."

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