Chapter 5

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After I talked with some friends ( in real life and Wattpad) who have read the fan fiction, I decided that I will change Laura's name into Evelyn!!! also her eyes are no longer blue they will be purple, because I decided to also change her parentage.





Nausicaa led all of us to our rooms. Nico was the last one. I was right before him. Nausicaa opened a door that read 'aurum', and gestured for me to enter.

I glanced at Nico. He nodded his head, telling me he'll be fine.

I entered, and gasped. The room reminded me so much of my old room in New Orleans. Tough it was bigger, and the furniture was placed differently. The double bed, with brown covers, and fuzzy small pillows with diamonds on them. In a corner of the room, there was a desk, with some books on it. The walls were covered in old stilled flowery wallpaper.

As I looked closer, on the wallpaper, there was a cut, about three and a half feet tall, two feet long, shaped rectangularly. I tried to find a edge to slip my fingernails between, surprisingly, I did. I pulled, and a door cracked open. It was a small tunnel, that would have barely fit Frank, I had no problem going on my hands and knees.

I glanced back, to be sure that nobody saw me, and entered the tunnel.

I didn't walk to much until the tunnel was wide enough for me to stand. Strange noises came from everywhere.

I took turns until I came to a set of stairs that descended. I glanced back again, I had a vague feeling I was being followed.

The stairs went on in a spiral for what seemed like forever. Finally, I came to a large clearing. Old Greek columns, half standing, keeping up the whole castle up, half crumbing o dust.

"Wow" I breathed. it didn't take me much time to realize that I arrived in the catacombs.

A blood curling scream echoed through the room. It was clearly from far away, and clearly not human.

I scanned the room or any sign of monsters. It was hard, because of the dark. I couldn't see well in the dark, that was Nico's ability.

Suddenly, footsteps came running right in my direction.

I ran blindly, trying to get away from whatever monster was after me. As I tuned the forth corner, the footsteps became harder and harder to hear. i didn't stop running.

at the tenth corner, I ran straight into something. I was thrown backward with such a force by the impact, that I hit a wall. I was about to see what I ran into when I realized it was a person.

I freaked. I reached for my spatha, but it wasn't there.

The something groaned, and I realized I knew the voice.

"Nico?" I stammered.

He looked up, rubbing his temple.

"Hazel?' he looked surprised."what are you doing here" he got to his feet.

"I could ask the same thing" i said while folding my arms over my chest.

" I, well" he stammered " Don't tel anybody, ok?" he paused " I find this tunnel in my room...."

I didn't let him continue

"it's dangerous! You shouldn't have came here on your own!" I practically screamed.

He smirked " i could say the same thing about you" he folded his arms over his chest, mimicking me.

I was about to protest, when I herard the footsteps again.

"Run?" i asked

"Run" he answered

That's exactly what we did, we ran for our lives.I realized it was foolish of both of us no to bring any weapons, but hey, first of all, we didn't have any, and second of all, when you find a secret passage for your room to Juno knows where, wouldn't you go find out where it leads?

We ran for what felt like hours, which was probably minutes. this time, the footsteps didn't die down.

Nico grabbed my wrist and yanked me in to a side of the hall. We staggered on some spiraled stairs and reached a tunell just like he one I came through. when we came the small part of the tunell, Nico waved fanatically for me to go first, while looking back, checking if the monster got our trail.

I took the lead, crawling in the small tunnel, until I reached a small door. I tried pushing it open

"come one, come one!" Nico rushed me " it'll be here any second"

"I'm tring!" i said while stugglling with the door. It was stuck

he squeezed past me and pushed the door with both hands. It finally opened. I rushed forward and he came right after me.just as we pushed he door closed, the head of a huge dog slammed into the door.

" Close it, close it!" I rushed

"I'm trying!" he struggled

after about a minute, he door was

closed, locked.

We were in a stone walled room, with decorations that didn't quite fit this century.

"Is this your room?" I asked Nico

He nodded

After I caught my breath, I started panicking.

" What if we get in trouble?" I asked Nico. He frowned

"What can they do to us, we're already dead"

"You know even better then me, that there are worse things then death" I told him. He frowned again

----------------LINE BREAK-------------

We came back to the living room. It was hard not to tell anybody about this huge discovery we just made. But I kept my moth shut.

I was really nervous when our two guides appeared, I really hoped they knew nothing.

" We'll start training tomorrow, now we will only show you around"

They led us down a hall. It was plain black. This place definitely needed a renovation.

We arrived in huge room, full of archery targets, swords, daggers, spears and bows with quivers full of arrows.

"You can chose between your old weapons" Evelyn gestured to a side of the room, where all our old weapons were " or new weapons" she gestured to the other side of the room, where a multitude of weapons all stood arranged on metal tables.

Nico scanned the room, his eyes lit up as he saw his sword. He went to the table and piked up his Stygian Iron blade. The temperature immediately dropped, and I could feel the skeletons moving underground, responding to Nico.

I went to the old weapons too. I picked up my spatha. I was finally getting used to it. I wasn't going to change it now.

Annabeth gasped and picked up a bronze dagger. I realized it was the dagger she had at the beginning of the quest, but I thought she lost it into the pit. Yet there it was, that's probably why she was so surprised herself. She also picked up an ivory sword and went to sit by Percy, who never lost his sword.

In the end, Jason got his sword back, Piper got her old dagger, Katoptris. Thalia got a wicked looking spear. Reyna got a short imperial gold sword, while Leo got a hammer, which he stuffed in a new tool belt he got. Frank got a bow and a dragon tooth spear, even though he hated the weapon, he did it because it was his only connection to his family he had left.

" Feel free to test everything" Evelyn

After on hour of ripping dummies to pieces, hitting bullseyes after bullseyes, , sparing with each other and trying new weapons, we decided to have good nights sleep

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