Chapt. 17

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 A/N I just really like this song. 

~Kellin POV~
I have a few more days of my Madness tour. I haven't heard anything from Max or the station, and it's worrying me. i hope she's not... you know what? Stop It. Stop thinking about the worst. 

I try not to show my hurt, but hiding it only makes it eat at my soul. Katelynne tries to get me to talk about it, but I turn her down. Sometimes, I don't mean to, I call her a bitch and sometimes a slut. I love her to pieces and she knows I don't mean it, but still. I wouldn't dare hurt her. I'm not an abusive guy. She knows that, but I might lose her. I don't want to, because she's my love, my life, my other half, my soul mate. I married her for a reason. 

Jack nudges me out of my thoughts as we go on stage in Orlando Florida. Our opening song is going to be Parasites. "What's up Orlando!!" I yell into the mic and the crowd roars in response. Jack and I start at the same time and then Gave takes over, molding with Jack, Nick, and I. 

Guys!!! We've Gotta Figure It Out!!!
Before We Go Insane!!! 
We're Going Blank Dry!!!
Right For The Sheets!!!
Will We Ever Find A Way To Cover Up These Scars?

I Finally See The Beauty In Everything We Are...

I yell as the crowd yells with me. I love this feeling. I love all of my fans. The mosh pit down below me looks fun, Imma jump into it. So, I do, and all I hear is screams surround me. I land on my feet to get heavily french kissed by some teenage girl. The guys stop playing and guards surround the girl. "Leave her alone guys. I've got it." and they back off. I walk towards her. "I'm sorry Mr.Quinn. I know you're married." she shrinks down. I smile and say, "Get out." then look mean. She bolts as fast as she could. 

I get back on stage and go into hiding. That means I go backstage and into the dressing room without speaking to anyone. (Yes, I made that up, but still.) I just really want my baby girl back. I pull out my wallet and find a picture of liam, Rowan, Scarlett, and Copeland when Scarlett first joined the family. I took her away from her mother. That nasty bitch. 

Carman was a friend of mine. She had hooked up with this guy named Josh Gomez and they had Scarlett. Josh would beat Carman and Scarlett. I was in town on tour once, and Carman asked me if she could stay at my house, so I said Absolutely! Scar was only 4 or 5 and she would call me dad. Well, when Scar was 13 Carman got drunk and started to beat me over almost killed Scar... anyway, she blurted out that I wasn't her dad and that Josh was and then all hell broke loose. I'll never forget the day I took Scarlett to Warped Tour  with me. I told Jack to meet her by the front gates and he lost his phone. Scarlett went to the front gates to wait for Jack when Josh took her instead. I still hate him for what he did to her. He used her as a rag doll, changed her life, and killed her soul inside. He would abuse her and rape her all the time, as she said it. I brought her to counseling for five years after that and she claimed that she was fine, but I doubt it. 

Knock knock "Hey, buddy. Are you ok?" I hear Nick say from behind the door. "Ya, but is she?" I answer his question with another. Nick enters all slumped. "Can we just go back? I want to see Max and see if Cope's there yet." I get up and head out to the bus followed by Nick. The other guys are out here having a drink. "Hey." they all say in sync. I nod and head to my bunk. I go over to the wall and unplug my phone to see three missed calls from Kate, two missed calls from Max and a missed call from an unknown number. No. I know that number, but from where? I decide to call Kate back first. 

Ka: Hello?

Ke: Hey, you called?
Ka: Ya, we need to go to Michigan right now.
Ke: Wh-
~end call~

Umm, ok? "Guys we need to go, now." I yell from my bunk. "Why? What's up?" They yell back. "Just, drive." I say because I honestly don't know why. I'm thinking about calling Max back, see what he wanted. 

M: Hey Kels.
K: Hey, what's up?
M: The sky. 
K: You sound happier, what's going on?---- A sense of hope rushes through me.
M: Nothing. Just wanted to say hi to a friend, or to my future father in-law. 
K: WHAT!? Of course man! If, she's not dead yet.----- Tears silently run down my left cheek.
M: Come, quick. I have something for you man.

~end call~

~That night~
I wonder if she's still alive. Yes! She is!! No, it's not possible. No, she's dead. She has to be. I saw her there, bleeding out from bullet wounds! Bruises were all over her body!! Flashback; I was walking at night in Orlando. The buildings were all lit up, it was beautiful. I heard a loud scream come from my left and I bolted towards it. It was very high pitched. I run forever until I hear it again, and again, following gunshots. Fear claws its way up my throat, but I can't make a sound. I turn down a dark alley between  two buildings, there's enough space for two dumpsters, but there's only one. I see her. My eyes, searching for the spot where the blood's coming from. I rush over to her, kneeling in a pool of blood next to her. I scoop her up in my arms and she says, "Dad, tell Max..." and she leaves. She dies. In my arms. I scream and cry. End flashback~ 

I wake up screaming with a wet pillow. Is it true? Is she dead already? Am I too late?

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