Chapt. 19

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~Copeland POV A few days later~

On our way to Miami, the bus comes to such an abrupt stop that Max and I almost go flying. Vic and Mike go see what is going on as Jaime and Tony, aka Turtle, get food. Max and I go out into the front part of the bus where the couch is and sit as the driver tells us what had happened. "Guys, I'm sorry. I didn't want to hit the moose and kill you all." Adam is a twat waffle. 'I didn't want to kill you all.' what a lame excuse. 

"Well, you did almost kill us. Jaime, Turtle, get out of the fridge, it's 11:30 at night!" Vic tells the boys, irritated. "Max, Cope, just, go back to bed. Adam... d... don't let it happen again., ok?" Adam nodded vigorously and returned to the wheel. As for Max and I, I'm guessing we passed out on the couch because that's where I woke up with cute little Max next to me cuddling a pillow. 

I smile to myself and head towards the kitchen that is literally a small to-go fridge and a sink. Plus, it's a bus, what much do you expect? I grab a frozen Ego out of the freezer part and heat it up in the tiny microwave on the counter. When it beeped after one minute, Max woke right up. "Waffles?" he asks tiredly. "You know it." I reply with a smirk. I throw a few more into the microwave for him. 

"How was your sleep?" I ask. "Not that good." he says bluntly. "Aww, why didn't my baby sleep good?" I ask in a baby voice. "Stop." He says sternly, but smiles after. "Ok." I say and look sad. "I sowwy." Max pouts with puppy eyes and we hug. The other waffles are done, so I get up and get them. "Mornin." Jaime says as he walks out. "Oooo, I'll have some my dear." I look at him and he pulls an innocent face on me. "Ugh, fine. Two, or three?" I ask Jaime. "Two please." I nod and put them in. I hand Max his two. He pulls me down on his lap and kisses my shoulder. "Save it for tonight, yo two lovebirds." Jaime says, disgusted. "We haven't done that, you perv!" I say to him. 

Jaime puts his hands up defensively. "Then it's probably Vic and Jenna then." We laugh quietly, knowing that Jenna wasn't even here, so he bluffed, and second, HE'S A DUMBASS. Jaime isn't the brightest person to have a conversation with, but it's worth it. He has his funny moments, and he's really kind, at times. Over the past few days, I've gotten to know the guys a little more, and they're super duper fun. Max get's along with Turtle great, but him and Mike have a bumpy relationship, and I've yet to find out why. 

A few minutes later, Vic and Turtle come out and see our waffles. "WTF, you had breakfast without us?" I smile and look at Vic as he "lectured" us about waffles. "We deserve them too! We have periods too!" OMFG. "No you don't Turtle." I say laughing. "Vic, you want some too?" He nods and off to the kitchen I go, making even more waffles. 

They're all done and i hand them out. "You excited to meet Liam and Rowan?" Vic asks me. "I am very excited, but nervous at the same time. What if they don't like me? What if they're big meany-heads?" I look at Vic. "What if they beat me?" I whisper. "COPE!! They're only a few years older than you! Liam is 28 and Rowan is 25! Plus they're dad is Kellin!! The kindest gentlemen you could ever get! I don't think they would beat you!" I look at him sadly. We're almost there! Just fifteen minutes to go!" Adam shouts from the front. Finally! We're almost there! I can't wait to see mom, and Liam, and even Rowan! 

A/N Hey! sorry it took me so long. Remember, guys, ILUVSU! A shout out to my mom who really supports me in writing this, and I'm going to print it. My moms friend is hopefully going to take a look at it (when it's done) and hopefully publish it. YAY! You guys are my inspiration, and my life rn. <3 Forever, Kellinkawaiiquinn

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