Chapt. 28

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~Copeland POV~

"MAX! Are you ok?" No response. I'm freaking out because Brent picked up Max and threw him! Now, he's on the floor in a growing puddle of blood. "Oh my god  we need to call the ambulance!" Shouts Annabelle. I instantly pull out my phone and turn around. People are - laughing! What the hell is wrong with them. "Does anybody know the address of this place?" "Is she seriously going to call an ambulance, he's obviously fine." One person says from the bar. "Ya, I mean, it's totally fake blood." Another says under their breath, but loud enough for me to hear. 

Actually, no it's not. So if you'd be so great if you tell me the address or at least call for help. B-Because he is the love of my life and he's probably dying right now and if he dies I die. Not that any of you care, but I'm Kellin Quinn's daughter. So help me!! I yell at them mentally while the police show up. "Miss. Quinn, please tell me what happened." Haha it's Travis. "I can tell you that." Anabelle says, standing up from the floor. "There's more to it than just tonight." She continues. "Can I hear?" I ask, wanting to know why this all happened. Why Brent hates Max. Why he thought he needed "revenge". 

"I don't think Max would want that." she replies to me. "But you said no secrets Anna," She cuts me off, "Ya, but that doesn't count for this." "but you said no secrets." I say, anger and sorrow build up. "I'm sorry Cope." She says and walks away with Travis. The ambulance arrived about ten minutes ago and they're now loading up Max. I request to go with them and they let me in. Brent is in the back of Travis's car. cuffed and with the doors locked. Annabelle is talking to Annabelle in front of Travis's car and people are finally realizing what is going on and that it wasn't a joke. I'm also pretty sure the bartender passed out. 

In the ambulance I couldn't stop crying. They were poking him with needles and couldn't stop the bleeding. The paramedics kept on asking me questions that I couldn't answer; such as 'What triggered all this?' I couldn't answer this because I was too busy catching up with Annabelle. Another question was 'Does he have any medical history?' How the hell am I supposed to know that?? He doesn't talk about it at all. 

The paramedics put a temporary bandage around his whole head except for his face to stop the bleeding wherever it came from. When we arrive at the Orlando hospital, Max was semi-awake. He was rushed into the emergency room. That's when I had to stay behind and wait while the doctors pinpoint where the blood is coming from. 

"Sullivan?" A woman comes into the waiting area. I look around and find a clock that says 2:36 am. Oh gosh. How long was  asleep for? It doesn't matter. I stand up when she says his last name. "Please follow me Mrs.Sullivan." What did Max tell her. We're not married yet. Oh well. We walk down a series of hallways until we reach the Intensive Care Unit room; aka the ICU. 

We walk in and I see Max off to the left of the door, bandaged up all around his head and face, in a hospital gown, with tubes in his arms, and resting. "He hit his head and got a grade 3 concussion. He also fractured his tailbone with the way he landed." The nurse whispered in respect of him sleeping. "Meaghan, is she here?" Max asks in a raspy voice. "Yes, Mr.Sullivan. She is here." Meaghan the nurse says and nudges me. 

"Hey babe." I say quietly and tenderly. "Hey." He responds raspily again. Meaghan says, "I'm going to leave you two alone, let the desk know if you need any help." And she leaves. "What time is it?" He asks me. "It's 2:42 am. Why?" I say/ask. "You're still here? I thought you would have been gone by now. Babe, go home. You don't have to be here for me. I can handle it." I walk over to him and put my hand on his arm and he shudders. I don't blame him; I'm cold and his eyes are covered. "I wanted to stay." Max grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him. "Come here." Max tells me. "I don't want to hurt you though." I say with cautiousness. 

"Don't worry babe I'll be fine." He says as he pulls me further and further into the bed, nonverbally telling me to get in bed with him. So, I crawl over and lay next to him as he wraps his arm around me. As we lay in silence, both of us fell asleep peacefully. Until I woke up and ended up being sick... for the fourth week in a row. 

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