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It was weird having someone hug me. Someone other than Hunter, Mom or Dad. I realize that Mrs. Maxwell was just being nice but there's nothing I want more than to push her off me. I was very close to doing just that, but it's only been less than ten minutes since I've met my new foster parents and I didn't want to make a bad impression.

I gently pulled out of her warm embrace.

"How about you girls grab your stuff and we'll go grab lunch." Mr. Maxwell said.

"Sure Mr. Maxwell," Kenzie said.

He paused and looked at Kenzie then at me. "From now on call us just Niklaus and just Blair."

"But sir-"

"No buts. We don't expect you two to call us Mom and Dad, so at least call us by our first names."

My sister and I looked at each other then back at Niklaus and Blair and nodded. Mr - no, Niklaus smiled. He stood up and offered a hand to his wife. She lovingly took it and stood on her feet. Niklaus lovingly laid a kiss on her head then took one of my suitcases and one of Zie's. Blair took Zie's other suitcases so she was left with her backpack while I had one suitcase and my backpack.

Zie and I began to follow Niklaus and Blair out of the airport. Vancouver International Airport to be precise.

Niklaus and Blair led us to a 2016 Sierra 3500 HD Denali Onyx Black GMC Truck. He used his key to unlock the trunk and began to place our suitcases in the back. After the trunk was loaded with our luggage, Niklaus closed the back and unlocked the truck. I followed Niklaus to the driver's side and Zie stayed with Blair on the passenger's side. We all hopped into the truck with ease. Once buckled, Niklaus reversed the truck and began the long drive to our new home.

Once again, I found myself getting lost in my thoughts. Thoughts that I've been thinking about constantly since that day. Their faces. Their personalities. Thier features. Their smiles. Their laughs. I was remembering everything. Every living detail about each and every one of them. I will never see them again. I may be alive but I've lost my reason to live. Honestly, if it wasn't for Kenzie, I'd have probably would have found a way to end my life. I'm still trying to find a way to do just that. Once I know that Kenzie won't need me anymore then I'm gone. For good.

Blinking twice I realized that we had stopped driving and everyone was outside. My side of the door was opened by a very concerned sister. I hopped down and was met with grim faces from Niklaus and Blair. I gave them my forced warm smile. They visibly relaxed and it looked like it did until I looked at my sister who was giving me an 'I'm not buying it' face. I ignored her and began to follow Niklaus and Blair into the restaurant.

The restaurant was called Kelsey's and it looked very nice. We got a booth for four people. Niklaus and Blair on one side and Kenzie and I on another. I realized it was about dinner time when I finally noticed how dark it was outside and how many people were in the restaurant. Our waiter gave us each a menu.

"Pick whatever you want girls," Blair encouraged.

I looked through the menu and decided to order the Ultimate Bacon & Cheese Burger with a Coke. Kenzie ordered the Burger 101 with a Pepsi, Niklaus the Gooey Bacon Mac and Cheese with an Ice Tea and Blair the Spaghetti Canadiana with a water.

Niklaus and Blair tried to start some small talk. Kenzie participated while I answered questions here and there. Before we knew it our food was placed in front of us with our drinks. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I took a big bite of my burger. YUM!

"Niklaus can you tell us a bit about you guys?" Kenzie asked with excitement.

Niklaus seemed a little surprised by the question but he gave her a big smile. "Well, other than Blair you two will be the only girls in the family with twelve boys including myself."

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