Chapter 3: "It's Fall."

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     While Thane, Rand, and Bigby embark on their journey towards Verunian. Marian, head of the Rotek sends out Syndra. A smaller yet a more skilled member of the Rotek, wielding nothing but a dagger and a short sword, donning a light blue cloak. With the duties to watch the shoreline of Redmond Beach, communications with the southern shore have stopped completely, the Rotek wishes to know why. With the intentions of making contact with the watch house, Marian sends Syndra alone along the shore. Nothing but a short assignment.

     The sand was course, rough, and got everywhere, and Syndra loved it. She was born and raised on the Forroco island. It was small yet the southern beach reminded her of home. The sun was setting the same way it did back home as Syndra came about the shoreline after a few days travel from the palace, she is finally able to see the old hut. "Yep, that's the southern mark." Syndra said aloud to herself as she took a look at her map. She started to approached the small outpost she observes how old and wrecked the small structure is. "Looks like it's been abandoned for years, yet we only lost communications last month." She said quietly in wonder, nothing much happened on the shore that required constant communication. However, the man who was said to be posted here was more than punctual. As Syndra stepped up the wooden steps a soft creek was spoken from the floorboards, even the door gave a very present squeak when opened. The wooden room that Syndra stared into was almost pitch black, the only thing saving her from being blind was the white color of the poorly painted wood. "Abandoned?" Syndra said aloud, a shudder ran down her spine as the house seemed to breathe around her. She felt cold, yet again it was fall and winter was coming. Syndra started to look around, a chest made for the palaces letters was across the room. As she started to walk towards it, the chest was opened already, full of parchments recieved from the palace. "The palace letters, from over a month ago... all unread?" Syndra said as she observed the rough paper in her hands. THUD! Suddenly a presence made itself know to Syndra as a very long sword quickly rested against her neck. "Speak if ye wish te keep yer life..." the gruff voice said to Syndra. "I am Syndra of the Rotek. Marian sent me to make contact-" her response was stopped by a quick movement of the sword returning back to its sheath. As Syndra turned to look, she saw Ronan of the Rotek. A shabby old man with a peg leg, wearing a Roteks robe made of sack-cloth, with the shield emblem and everything. He's been apart of the Rotek longer than Syndra has been alive. He is known for his dedication and intense feelings towards the Rotek... As well as his insane forms of combat. "So, Marian herself sent ye, aye? That must mean she knows about the traitor." The last word hit Syndra like a large boulder "What? A traitor? There couldn't be." She exclaimed. As Ronan walked over to shut the door and closing the blinds to the windows, the peg leg echoed through the hut. [How in the heck did he sneak up on me? He's so loud] Syndra thought to herself as the old man hobbled back to her, carrying a stool in each hand. "Take a seat young one. We have much te talk about..." Ronan said softly as he set a stool down for Syndra to sit in as he starts to make a fire to light the room. "About a year ago, I was beginning ta notice things about my hut. Things were moved around, put in places I didn't recall placing em." Ronan said as he sparked the tinder in the fire and set the light to the pre-set wood. "It was getting to the point where I was suspecting someone was snoopin' where they shouldn't be.." he continued as he hobbled over to his stool and took his seat. "I tucked myself away, I lost count after ta fourth or fifth day... Feels like a month." He continued. [That explains why we've lost communication for a month] Syndra thought to herself, not daring to look away from Ronan's face. She needed a solid report to bring back to Marian and the palace, so she allowed him to continue. "Then a merchant showed up. He wore a straw hat, smelled of grain and wry. And another whom I couldn't see, for he stood in the shadows... They spoke of the dead, and of legends forgotten." Ronan let out a pitiful sigh then continued wearily. "I was could've taken them both, only one was armed ta my knowledge. I only wished ta know more of their plan, that's when the man in the shadows handed the merchant a map, and said 'Starrok Palace'." Syndra gasped at the mention of the palace, for she knew only Rotek members were allowed maps of the inner palace! Before she could cry out Ronan cut her off by continuing. "Not a day after they left, ye arrived. I couldn't tell if ye were ta one in te shadows, that's why I had ye speak. Ta see if I could recognize the voice.." Syndra sat, staring at Ronan as if she had been told a bad story. This was bigger than anything she's faced. The secrets of the palace were out there in the world, and the only person she could trust was Ronan. "Then what do we do?" She asked shakily as she hugged herself using her cloak. Ronan quickly rose and stomped over to the fire, his peg leg clapping against the wood planks with every other step. Abruptly putting out the fire with his good leg he said over his shoulder "Tomorrow morn, we hunt those who dare betray the Rotek. We must rest for our strength." Syndra nodded quickly, she dare not question Ronans authority, nor his passion. She watched as the old man struggled to get comfortable on the hard floor, then after a moment she too found a spot to lie down. Using her cloak as a blanket she started to get comfortable as she allowed Ronan's obnoxious snoring sooth her to sleep.

     BANG BANG BANG!!! The sound of fierce pounding echoed through the small shack as Ronan and Syndra both awoke in alarm. Ronan had his sword drawn. "Open up! We know you're in there old man!" A voice called from the other side of the door, a few chuckles were heard. Syndra looked over at Ronan who was now standing over by the fireplace, face scrunched up in panic. "er.. uh... NOBODYS HOOOOOME!!" He yelled at the door as he opened the hatch to the upstairs, more laughs were heard. Running over to Ronan, Syndra asked "What's the plan?!" Ronan grabbed Syndras shoulders in both his hands and forced her to look into his eyes. "Whatever happens, ya need ta get back ta Starrok Palace! Regardless of what happens to me, or what they threaten you with! Marian NEEDS ta be ready for the oncoming war!! DO YA UNDERSTAND LITTLE ONE?!?" He screamed. Syndra saw a small tear fall from his eye, she nodded to show she understands. "Good, then we are gonna drop in on them. Get over their heads and behind them. Can ya fight?" Ronan asked, finally releasing his grip on her. "Yes, I can fight. I can fight well enough." She responded. Ronan smiled at her as he started to ascend the stairs. The men at the door were getting impatient, they started to attempt to kick the door down. As the bashing was going on downstairs Ronan opened the window above the door quietly and gave Syndra a look. Without hesitation, with sword in hand and peg leg flailing Ronan was out the window! Syndra blinked, then soon jumped as well. Both landing in the soft sand now facing the hut as well as the backs of their enemies, Ronan started to advance on his enemies. There were ten men in total, but two now lay dead on the huts porch from Ronan's blade. Syndra kicked at one of the men's throat, crushing his jugular and his windpipe the man fell to the ground without a sound. Seven left. Syndra noticed that the small band of thugs wore tunics of black, with a silver hammer on the chest. A man to her right grabbed her from behind, wrapping his arm around her neck. Syndra, using the mans weight against him, threw their weights forward causing the man to land face first onto the bottom stair of the porch leaving Syndra herself unharmed. Syndra landing on her feet rolled away and looked for Ronan. She saw him about 20 yards off, with his sword flashing as quick as lightning. Ronan was holding off six swordsmen at once! Dodging, parrying, and even returning counter blows to his enemies in quick precision. She was astonished at the sight until Ronan hollered a cry of desperation "RUN LITTLE ONE, RUN!!" She realized Ronan was losing energy, fast! He was going to lose, and Ronan knew it. "RUN SYNDRA!! TELL MARIAN!!! SAVE OUR KINGDOM!!! SAVE THE ROTE-" Ronan's cry was cut off by a sword entering his gut and coming out of his back. Syndra screamed and started to turn, as another sword entered Ronan's body. Each man was getting their killing blow on the old man... Syndra was running, and she continued to run as tears filled her eyes. Leaving the shoreline and hiding beneath an uprooted tree, she waited for the men to come for her. Their laughter reached her spot as they continued to torment the now dead Rotek warrior. They never came looking for her... So she cried. She allowed the fall of her fellow Rotek impact her as the tears fell into the dry dirt below. After a long while Syndra stood and took a deep breath. "Fall..." she chuckled "The season of fall... And the fall of Ronan." She wiped away her tears forcing herself to remain strong. It was about a five days journey back to the palace. About time she made haste. "Goodbye Ronan..." she whispered to herself as the laughter of the thugs echoed in her head. She started to run, running straight for the palace, Marian needs to know what is happening... And what has already happened.

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