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'"I am what I am, an' I'm not ashamed. 'Never be ashamed,' my ol' dad used ter say, 'there's some who'll hold it against you, but they're not worth botherin' with."'


Damon followed the strangers to the Gaunt property. Everyone knew where it is so it wasn't that hard. The weird thing was that no one had set foot there since the family left or were killed he wasn't sure. Even when the house was occupied there were tales of the place being haunted. Locals had often heard screams echoing through the empty halls.

The forest was dense and he watched with a narrowed gaze as the gates closed behind the sleek car. He got to the gates and tried to push them open but they wouldn't budge. With a shrug he walked around the entire property looking for a hole in the defences. How could a simple iron fence keep him out? He threw everything at it but it would not even dent, as though it was protected by magic. Releasing a frustrated growl he pulled out his phone and dialled Stefan's number.

"We have a problem."

"What could be worse than the Klaus Mikaelson running around town?"

"You know the Gaunt property right?"

"Everyone does."

"It's being occupied."

"What?" He said in slight disbelief.

"I have reason to believe it's occupied by witches' brother."


Primrose could feel her wards vibrate in warning as she climbed out of the car. She shared a look with Draco who had also felt the assault on the property as he had helped to create the wards.

"Go inside." Primrose commanded the twins, and recognising her tone they obediently followed the order. Her narrowed emerald eyes were fixed in the direction of the threat her magic rippling in waves.

"Stop." Draco spoke grasping onto her forearm as she made an attempt to move in the direction of the naive vampire. "He is not worth our exposure."

"It's clear he would've discovered by now that magic is involved." She responds sarcastically. "I'm going to teach him a lesson."

"He didn't recognise you, or your scar," he nodded to the faded mark on her forehead. "Which means he knows nothing about the Wizarding world. We're at an advantage here."

"He'll be cocky. He'll think we're Wiccan and come after the twins as leverage for the pathetic spells they do." Rose snapped.

"But attacking him head on is not the best answer. We don't know how many vampires are in town, or who will come to his aid. I think it would be best if you didn't start a war with the locals just yet."

"He needs to know that he's not the most powerful creature around."

"Something tells me he will find out very soon. Trust me, there are better ways to make someone feel inferior." His lips curved into a malicious Malfoy smirk, "It's time you learned to act more like a snake."


Draco Malfoy was a dangerous, arrogant and powerful wizard, and like his father before him he knew how to intimidate others. He wasn't a fool. He knew the vampire would cause trouble for his cousins and he would do everything in his power to protect them.

He wore a complete black on black suit that was made from the finest of materials. Only the best for a wizard of his status. The black contrasted greatly with his pale skin, steel grey eyes and white hair. His shoes made no sound as he ascended the steps to the house.

His knuckles wrapped against the door gently as he awaited the owner. "May I help you?" The middle-aged woman asked kindly taking note of how well he was dressed.

"Mayor Lockwood, my name is Draco Black, my family and I are new in town." He gave the woman a charming smile.

"Oh," the woman smiled, but her eyes held a suspicious look. She opened the door wider and indicated for him to come inside which he did with a smirk. She purposely didn't invite him in because of the vampires in town. She knew, which made Mystic Falls just that little bit more interesting.


"You're planning something." Teddy said as he approached the woman he considered his mother. She was holding two letters in her hands, but her mind was elsewhere.

"I think we might've made a mistake coming here." She replied honestly.

"What's a couple of vampires we can sink our teeth into?" The youngest shrugged as she sat beside her twin.

"You could get hurt, you're both only ten years old."

"Let's just wait until we're eleven before we take on the troll." Teddy remarked sarcastically snickering with his sister.

"I am quite possibly the worst role model for you two." Rose smiled, "but no biting any vampires."

Both the wolves grumbled their disagreement at her words, "but that guy at the bar was weird. I don't like him," Anabelle protested.

"Does not mean we sink our teeth into them. Now, both of you have been accepted into Hogwarts and Ilvermorny, so you'll need to decide what school you wish to attend in September," Rose informed the twins as boxes of furniture unpacked themselves around the large home. The entire estate was covered in forest and surrounded by a seven foot iron fence and was heavy with powerful protective wards. She would never allow the twins to be in danger and they would have a better upbringing than hers.

"Hogwarts," the twins both reply without hesitation.

"Okay..." Rose smirked knowing they would never give up the opportunity to go to the school their parents' attended. "You both still need to keep up to date on your muggle knowledge, which is why you're getting a tutor." She informed the pair who both grumbled. She and Hermione had always hated how incredibly naïve the wizarding world was of the mortal one. They recognised how most vampires and werewolves had the knowledge to blend, and how useful that could be. Ron had the most trouble adjusting to while they were on the run, and she didn't want the twins to face the same problem. She had also asked Draco if he wanted to learn, and she wasn't surprised by his flat out refusal.

"Ew," they both responded their hair morphing to a green colour. Teddy tended to prefer his blue, and Belle liked bubble-gum pink, in public though the twins went for a more subtle dark brown.

Rose chuckled gently at their antics, "go and wash up, I'll have dinner ready in a few minutes."

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