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'"I'll join you when hell freezes over!"' 

-Neville Longbottom

Elijah made to move into the next room holding their rather dangerous guests, his mind going over the many possible outcomes of the meeting that was about to take place. His brother never thought these things through, the smartest thing Niklaus had done was inform him of the wizards in the other room. Not that he couldn't sense them, but in his newly awakened state he wasn't thinking clearly. 

Draco instinctively stood as her heard the calmed footsteps approach the room that they were waiting in. His breeding encouraged his own need to place himself in a position of power, there was no way he was going to look weak, especially in front of vampires. He knew he was dangerous, and he was proud of that.

Rose on the other hand remained in her seat, perfectly poised. Just looking over at her cousin with a small smirk. Her eyes flickered to the door curiously as a disheveled suited man entered. He was attractive, with sharp cheek bones and warm brown eyes, and even though he was in a less than appropriate state Rose couldn't help her small appreciative glance in his direction as his brother followed him into the room. 

Elijah wasn't sure what he expected as he entered the room, he had met wizards before they were rather eccentric, but they were nothing compared to the two his brother had brought home. His eyes were drawn to the male first as he stood half in front of the figure behind him. He had strikingly pale features and a black on black suit. Ever polite he held out his hand to the man, "Elijah Mikaelson," he introduced himself as the man looked blankly at his hand. He raised his nose at Elijah in displeasure. The older vampire frowned a little and began to lower his hand as another slid into it. He raised his gaze in surprise to be met with the most beautiful emerald green orbs he'd ever set his sights on. 

"Primrose," she spoke as she smoothly rose from her position on the lounge suite, "this is my cousin Draco, please don't take offense, he doesn't mingle often."

"May I ask what brings you to Mystic Falls?"

"A dart and a map," she replied simply. 

"Curious," Elijah commented, "and what brings you both to our doorstep."

"We'll cut to the chase," Draco spoke rolling his eyes a little, "it seems this town is crawling with an infestation of magical creatures and my dear cousin has decided to live here."

"If it was only me, we would not go to such lengths to create diplomatic ties," Rose spoke conjuring a bottle of whiskey and some tumblers to the table in the corner as she walked over to it. "I am more than capable of taking care of my self." She smirked as she sipped her drink. "No, we are here because I do not want my children to get caught in the crossfire of whatever war you have going on. We're not fools, we can feel the tension."

"So you came to us?" Klaus finally spoke, "why?"

"The others, they don't recognise our kind," Rose continued, "they're young, they'll make the mistake of underestimating us. You on the other-hand are old enough to remember when our kind directly interacted with yours." Interacted was a nice was of putting it but Rose knew full well that her kind used to hunt theirs for sport. 

"What do you propose?" Elijah asked intrigued by the small witch.

"Simple, we are aware your family are incredibly hard to kill, and even then you don't tend to stay dead, we propose a truce." 

"A truce," Elijah raised a brow a little.

"We both know that a fight between us could level this town," Primrose replied simply.

"Although I'm not overly fond of Muggles, my dear cousin feels strongly against collateral." Draco shrugged, "your kind are notoriously selfish, we know the lengths some will go to get what they want."

"And I don't particularly like the other vampire, Damon I think is name was. He is aware that we are not human, but he will wrongly think we are Wiccan. He will perceive the twins to be my weakness and try and use them as leverage to use us against you."

"Then let them know you are a threat," Klaus pointed out telling them of his own methods.

"Oh we will," Rose smiled, "but they're more likely to be afraid not knowing whom we are. They're not old enough to know of our world."

"You're the girl who lived, I've heard rumors of your powers, even searched for you for a time, The Mistress of Death, that's what people call you. Primrose Potter. People should fear you based on your name alone."

"I haven't gone by Potter for a very long time Niklaus, I will not become like Voldemort, I don't want them to fear my name, or the rumor of what I have become."

"Which is besides the point," Draco interrupted, "will you, or will you not agree to our truce?"

"Oh we agree," Elijah replies, "but if you go against us,"

"I can assure you we won't." Rose replied.

"And we're just supposed to take your word for it?" Klaus cut in.

"Yes, because if I have to turn on you to protect my children, I won't hesitate to do so."

"That concludes our discussions," Draco decides, "we will return to our residence, it seems I have some work to do."

"If you would like, we are meeting with a pair of younger vampires tomorrow evening, details are yet to be ironed out but I would like you both to be here for it, for introductions." 

"We'll be delighted," Draco responded sarcastically. 

Rose poured drinks for the other occupants in the room and held up her glass, "to new alliances," she toasted.

"To new friends," Elijah amended sipping his own drink. He really needed to feed, as the burn of the whiskey did nothing for his hunger, he was thankful that the Wizards were powerful enough to mask their own scents around them.

Niklaus looked between the wizards and his brother, he was a little annoyed that more and more thing keep getting in the way of his goals but then again, the wizards may be of some use to him. He was wary of them, as most magical creatures are but these two seemed different. Well just the female, it was as though she wasn't prejudiced against his kind, like she was almost kin to him. Her scent was masked but he couldn't help but pick up small hints of wolf coming from her form. She wasn't a werewolf that much he did know, but it was like she was a part of a pack, a family, the one thing he has always desired. 

He knew inviting them to the meeting with the Salvatore brothers would make the evening much more interesting than he originally planned. He just wasn't sure if it would help or hinder his cause.

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