The Games PT. 2

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  • Dedicated to GoldWade from YouTube

The Games PT. 2

Ruby brought out her weapon, a scythe/sniper rifle known as Crescent Rose, and started shooting at the monster mob. Every shot was a hit, but they didn’t slow down the hoard of beasts. “Help me!” Ruby shouted over the noise of the monsters and her weapon.

Team JNPR, a fellow team at Beacon Academy (team member names are Jaune [captain], Pyrrah, Nora, and Lei-Ren), Penny, and the other competitors ran to get in defensive positions to contain the monsters. Weiss and some other magic wielders put up a barrier around the monsters and maintained it, Blake, Jonathan, Ruby, Yang and other gun wielders got up around the Creatures of Grim, and started shooting the beasts, and Jaune, Pyrrah, Nora, Penny, and all those that had close range weapons were up on the barrier, stabbing through. Suddenly a Nightstalker, a Creature of Grim in the shape of a large bird, flew down out of the sky. Ruby, Yang, Ren, and others near it saw it coming, but Blake and Jonathan didn’t. The Nightstalker grabbed them. “NO!” shouted Weiss.

Distracted by her father being taken, Weiss’ part of the barrier went down, the monsters quickly scattered the other magicians. The barrier was gone, but enough were dead that the monsters were contained in a couple minutes of fighting….

Somewhere in the air, not too far from the arena, Blake started shooting under the Nightstalker’s chin. She accidentally shot Jonathan, who was in the beast’s mouth. Jonathan threw a couple of bombs down its throat. The creature exploded. Blake was quick enough to land on a building, but Jonathan was still above the street. Blake jumped towards him. She intercepted him and swung toward the building, using her grapple gun, that she had jumped from. She retracted her grapple gun just in time to go through a window….

The last creature left was the big Ursa that let the rest of the monsters out. It was obvious that this one was smart, it had learned to think. All the competitors were tired and out of aura, powerful extensions of a person’s soul that protected them from bodily harm, except Jaune. He kept running at the beast, but it was toying with him, knocking him down instead of killing him right away. The Ursa knocked Jaune aside. He slouched when he hit the wall. It was obvious that he was unconscious. Suddenly an aura filled the arena. Immediately the other competitors stood up with renewed strength. They all ran at the Ursa, but Ruby was there first. She jumped over the creature’s first attack and cut off his arm. That weakened the beast, but didn’t kill it. Ruby was knocked aside easily. What happened next was a blur. All the others attacked and annoyed it, but then a hazy figure walked through the smoke on one side of the arena. The figure was holding two blades that dripped with poison. “Thinking beasts are impossible to kill with blind strikes. You need to be smarter than the beast, see where it’s going before it goes there. I’m taking this one, though.” He said to the confused fighters.

They all backed up fast when he started running at the Ursa. The creature swiped at him, but he wasn’t there anymore. He was behind it stabbing it in the back, and then he disappeared. The beast opened its mouth. That’s when a voice spoke in all of the present people’s minds; it was like a deep man’s voice and a knife blade combined; like a knife was being drawn across cobble, or nails on a chalkboard. It said, “You don’t fight fair. You cheat me. You know what the laws say. If I have weakened a hero, I can eat that one. I am fighting many, and they can’t compare to my power. This is against the laws. You are interfering, and you will be punished.”

“Not so, Urnai. I healed them all when I entered the building. The laws also say that if I heal anyone fighting a thinking beast I can take over the fight when I wish. I choose now.” said the man.

The Ursa growled. “Was that Ursa speaking in our minds?” asked Yang

“Yes, now please, I’m busy fighting.

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