The Begining

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  • Dedicated to GoldWade from YouTube

Yang’s POV

            I got up early enough to get back to my bed and still get a little bit of sleep. If anyone found out about Blake and I… Let’s just say that it wouldn’t be good for either of our careers as huntresses. Maybe after we graduate we can tell everyone.

Normal POV

            Reunited teams RWBY and JNPR got up at seven o’clock in the morning. Ruby noticed that Yang’s face was a little darker than normal, like she had woken up in the night. It didn’t surprise Ruby, she had seen Yang get up in the night sometimes, but never found out why or where she went. Ruby also didn’t think it would be polite to ask Yang where she went when she got up, even though they were sisters.

            Even though Jaune was just back, and barely rested, Pyrrah insisted on asking him what happened while he was possessed. All Jaune would say was, and he would repeat this whenever spoken to, “Left hook, duck, jump, slice. Three pounds, seven gallons, three tinder.”

            None of them knew what he meant, but Ruby thought it might be the trap the Aregin fell for the first time. The only thing was how to get more than just measurements out of Jaune.

            The two groups walked to the mess hall where they were promptly served some kind of mush that the cooks called ‘breakfast’. “It looks disgusting,” said Ruby leaning in for a sniff, “and smells worse.”

            “Enjoy it, it’s more than the majority of our soldiers get. Until you’re weighed we can’t measure out how much you get properly.” Snarled the man behind the counter that looked familiar to everyone except Nora and Jaune.

            When they had walked away Pyrrah commented, “He wasn’t very nice.”

            “He was just demoted.”

Whirling around the group saw Nathan approaching, “That was the warden who umm… Well, Yang and Ruby know, and it’s not my place to tell the rest of you. Anyways, I was sent to tell you that you have ten minutes until your first practice. We’re starting from the basics.”

            Pyrrah sighed looking relieved, “Ok. I have a feeling Jaune may need a lot of help.”

            Nathan nodded and walked off, “What’s his problem?” asked Weiss.

            Yang answered, “Nothing, he’s new in the ranks and got handed a big assignment. He’s trying not to mess up. Let’s help him with that, ok?”

No one answered, “OK?!?” asked Yang a little bit louder.

            All of them, except Jaune, nodded in agreement. When the group had finished the ‘breakfast’ mush they headed out to the training grounds. Nathan waved them over to a little alcove that would provide a little privacy, but was just big enough for them all to train. Nathan began with, “You’re all here, good. Now we shall begin with stance. None of you pass until you all pass, got it? And no whining, or I’ll set you to scrubbing the floor of the latrine. With toothbrushes, not mops. Now, stance up!”

            All of them got in a stance, except Jaune, who looked a little bit tipsy. “Jaune! Get in a stance!” yelled Nathan.

            Ruby raised her hand. Nathan turned to her and said, “What?”

            “I thing he should be studying traps. It’s what he keeps talking about, see? He keeps saying ‘three pounds, seven gallons, three tinder’. I was thinking that he meant supplies for a trap. You know, to trap Aregin.”

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