The Games PT. 1

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  • Dedicated to My Cousin, Tabby. The account I'm using

The Games PT. 1

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang were lined up at the entrance to the arena. “What is taking so long?!” said Weiss.

“There are a lot of people ahead of us Weiss.” explained Blake, “They’re getting their tickets to the games first.”

“So? I thought we were going to compete.”

“We will,” interrupted Ruby, “but we don’t know where to go.”

Suddenly Ruby saw Penny walking off to the right of the arena. She was following a strange, hooded man carrying a cane. “Hey, Penny!” Ruby shouted.

Penny turned and saw team RWBY, “I thought you guys were going to compete.”

Weiss rolled her eyes, “We were, but we don’t know where to go.”

“Oh, I can help with that. Follow me.”

All four of them trailed after Penny and the mysterious man. They got to a stairway that led down under the stadium. There was a couple of guards standing in front of a set of double doors. The man waved a card on one of the doors and it unlocked. All six of them were allowed in. A short walk down a hallway, a turn to the left, and through a doorway brought them to a room with other competitors. The man said with a heavy tone, “You in the white dress,” Weiss pointed to herself, “Yes you. Come with me.” With that the man left the room the way they had come in.

“Wonder why he needs Weiss. Well she should be fine,” said Yang in the never changing tone she had.

That was when a small scream came from outside the door. All four of them ran out and saw Weiss hugging the man….

The man had stopped outside the door and closed it. He then removed the hood he was wearing. Weiss let out a small scream while she quickly hugged him….

When the rest of team RWBY and penny came running out the door, Ruby asked, “Weiss, what happened?”

Weiss turned to Ruby and answered, “Ruby, Blake, Yang, Penny. I would like you to meet my father, Jonathan Schnee.”

Penny looked quizzical, “Didn’t you know I was escorted and trained by Mr. Schnee? I remember seeing you in the training room. We had the same trainer, different classes, but the same trainer.” Penny turned her head to Jonathan, “Didn’t you send the letter?”

Jonathan bit his lip, “I thought I did. I must have lost it.”

“Or it got lost in the mail,” offered Yang.

Blake asked Penny, “If you knew that Mr. Schnee was here why didn’t you tell us, or at least Weiss?”

“I thought that Weiss would remember me from our training. If not me then maybe the stance we shared. We are the same height and about the same weight.”

Ruby looked worried, but smiled when she said, “Well, nice to meet you Mr. Schnee. We would love to stay and chat, but we have to go sign up for the games.”

“Oh!” exclaimed Penny, “No need. I’ve already signed you four up. We should still go warm up though.”

“Thank you Penny.” said Weiss.

“For what?”

“For signing us up and for not telling me my father was here. It was a lovely surprise.”

“Well, you’re welcome. I don’t have many friends and I really want to stay friends with you. Maybe we can work together during the games?”

“That would be nice.”

The six of them were talking and laughing, until an alarm went off. They ran out the door to the arena and saw a sight that was worse than all of their fears combined. One Ursa had got loose and was freeing all the others one by one. This Ursa was the biggest, most evil one any of them had faced, and it was heading toward them. With an army of other creatures in tow.


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