Chapter 7

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      "Okay kids! You have reached your destination! That'll be $34.75!" My dad joked as he pulled into the driveway of Hunter's huge country house. Katana, Greyson, and Addy had gotten a ride with me to the party, so three quarters of the conversation on the ten minute car ride out to Hunter's acreage was filled with my dad and Katana chatting it up about sport-related stuff.

"Thanks Mr. Iverson! Oh, and my mom is picking us up after!" Addy smiled.

"Remember I'm going to Addy's tonight!" I called out to my Dad as the four of us walked over to the front door. Loud music blared from the house. I could tell my dad knew it was a little more than a small get-together.

"Luna! Be careful! No alcohol or drugs and.."

"Dad! Obviously not! I'll be fine!" He gave me a caring smile before driving off. We waved to him before walking into the large house. Knocking didn't seem needed; the music was way too loud anyway. The outside door led into a huge living room, where at least 20 people littered the brown leather couches. There was a carpeted spiral staircase full of what looked like 11th graders. I recognized a few of them to be grade 10s, but the rest seemed to be older. My dad did say Hunter had a brother. Maybe some of the grade 11s and 12s were his friends.

"I'm gonna go find a washroom." Greyson said meekly before scurrying off. Addy looked at him confused.

"He seems to be avoiding us." She stated.

"What do you mean?" Katana asked. "I mean, he came to the party with us."

"Did you notice he spent the entire car ride looking out the window?" Addy pointed out.

"I think we should just leave him. Greyson did really great today, and I'm sure he wants to celebrate with his team. It's better not to drown him in our presence." I said. I ran my hands through my auburn hair, which I had straightened this morning. I looked around the living room a little closer this time to see if I could find Hunter, but he didn't seem to be in here.

"Ok, so you're obviously a little more focused on your lover boy. You can go find Hunter. We'll be fine!" Addy said, giving me a little nudge in the arm with her elbow.

"You sure? I don't want you to get bored!" I said.

"Bored? There's a ping pong table over there!" She pointed over to a green table covered in red solo cups. "Katana and I will slay at beer pong!" Addison guffawed at the thought of her actually drinking the beer. Katana rolled her eyes and giggled. "You go have fun! There's lots for us to do!"

"Okay, but text me if you're bored! I'll come find you!" I reassured before turning and working my way through the maze of juniors on the stairs. At the top of the stairway, there was another lounge styled room with beanbag chairs and couches. I couldn't see Hunter anywhere through the crowd of teenagers playing what looked like truth or dare. Someone tapped me on the back and I spun to see the warm glowing smile that had been engraved in my mind since the first day of school.

"Hey. You came!" Hunter said in his smooth voice. He had a red cup in his hand.

"Um, yeah! I just thought I'd swing by." I managed to say without a single voice crack. Was is weird that I was proud of that? "Nice party you've got going on. I didn't know you were friends with the entire senior class!" I joked. Did that sound like a joke or did it sound dumb? Or snarky? Frick! He laughed lightly.

"Actually, they're my brother's friends. He's a senior." He pointed towards a tall boy ,with the same dark hair Hunter had, who happened to be making out with a skinny minny brunette in the corner. "Yah, I guess you could say he's a charmer! Nice shirt by the way!" I looked down at my red MCHS sweatshirt and realized he was wearing the same one. I thought it was cute for a moment, before I realized most of the people here were wearing Menlo Park merch too. Hunter leaned against the beige wall behind him. I went to do the same, realizing half a second too late that I wasn't standing in front of a wall. I stumbled a bit before catching my balance. Real smooth Luna. "Woah there! How much have you had to drink?" He laughed, setting down his cup beside the small potted house plant on a small table.

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