Chapter 1

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Kids dressed in their finest fall clothes pushed through the hallway coming from all different directions. I could barely keep my locker open wide enough to get my history book out, due to my locker neighbor, the terrifying goth girl, needing extra space to shove her black studded messenger bag into her tiny red and yellow locker. After I finally rescued my textbook, I high-tailed it towards room 103, not just because I was late, but the goth girl was starting to growl at me, and I wasn't in the mood to get shoved into a locker on my first day of high school at Menlon Comp.

I stepped into room 103 five minutes late, after ending up in the wrong wing of the school due to some stupid senior's purposely bad directions, out of breath and full of anxiety. I peered up to see a grumpy, grey-haired women lurking over her desk, her purple-framed glasses hanging halfway down her pointy age spotted nose. As the door clicked shut behind me, several grade 10 heads snapped up to examine me.

"Nice of you to join us, Miss...." The hunchbacked teacher waited for me to fill in the blank.

"Oh, umm, I'm Luna. Luna Iverson." I stammered, fidgeting with the hem of my dark blue jean jacket.

"Well, MissIverson, take a seat. And next time, make sure you're in my classroom before the morning bell. I do not tolerate tardiness."

"Yes ma'am." A few kids chuckled in the back row. Immature tenth-grade boys. I fought the urge to roll my eyes before quickly planting myself in an empty seat in the middle of the room, hoping not to be acknowledged by anyone else. The teacher sat back down, and the morning announcements blared through the speaker in the front of the room. I could barely hear the preppy girl's voice on the intercom over the deafening sound of my heart nervously beating. How the hell am I supposed to survive high school if I can't get through my first day of grade ten? Mom said I could go to the guidance counselor if I have any problems, but that'll probably make me look like an even bigger loser than I already am. I ran my hand through my long, straight auburn hair.

"Hey, you ok?" A set of sparkling green eyes locked with my blue-grey eyes. A warm, white-toothed grin accompanied the smooth, calm voice that the boy spoke with. His short black hair was brushed off of his lightly tanned face. My stomach, which was already churning from nervousness, began a full gymnastics routine.

"I, um, I'm fine." I butchered, avoiding eye contact. Was time travel real? Is that an option right now. The closest I was getting to going back in time was the fact that I could almost taste this morning's breakfast nervously making its way back up.

"Mr. Klenna, would you care to teach my class?"

"Sorry, Ms. Berg. It won't happen again." The green eyed boy flashed a valiant smile to the teacher, uncovering an adorable dimple in his right cheek along with a cheeky attitude. He glanced over at me, another dashing smile crossing his delicate face. "I'm Hunter," he whispered.

"I'm Luna." My pale, freckled cheeks flooded with colour, and my stomach did an intricate double layout. We shared a short smile, mine giddy, his, almost simper. Maybe my first day wasn't going to be so bad.

I could barely listen to Ms.Berg drone about this semester's main history concepts for the next forty minutes, or my balding math teacher gab about circle geometry and Pythagorean Theorem in math. By the time the lunch bell rang, the only equation I could process was Hunter+Luna.

I stepped into the populous courtyard, crinkled brown paper bag in hand, searching the rectangular blue picnic tables.

"Luna! Over here!" Addison waved her tan hand wildly in the air from across the lawn. A few blonde-haired Grade 11s in scarily short miniskirts snickered at the sight of my goofy best friend. I hurriedly jogged over and slid in-between her and the short brown haired boy beside her.

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