Hi Y'all. What am I doing? Laying down on the carpeted floor eating French fries from Jack in the box❤️
My legs are sore because my school play is coming up! I've been dancing my butt off. Literally. Nealsha knows. But to her the dance is Quote on Quote "Dumb."
I'm just like whatever, and Everytime I stand next to Nealsha we get separated because we're too goofy to be next to each other. 😒 We did the water challenge and this female spit on my jeans. 🙄Hurta!
But she put me on this one remix!😛
Maan😥This hit me hard! Hbu?
And anyways, we were singing this in class today and the video is 0:41 seconds. Well the one I have. So we were singing along and we were already being told to shh. Like
This how we be in class singing!
As Nealsha would say "L"
😊Guys! I'm not picture perfect, but I'm still worth the picture!
Gas me!💕😍
Bro I'm bored! Should I update my other books?Let's get this "What would Lay Do" Segment started.
"What would you do if your teacher threw your food away?"
I'd throw her young laptop away. Wwyd?