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Y'all haven't been commenting so I'm lowkey hurt. But anyways that's my OOTD Last Thursday. Oh guys, I kinda got into a fight😭

Story time Coming in 5,4,3,2,1.

Okay I'm gonna put a list of girls here.
-Wet Dog
-Fit(The Girl I Actually Fought)

Okay In The Beginning I was friends with Muskrat since 4th grade. We get to 10th grade (Present Day) she meets Wet Dog, and Fit. Red was friends with them at this time. Me and My friend....Lets call her Hershey. Second semester both me and Hershey got switched to the class with all the other girls. I thought nothing of it because I was cool with Muskrat.

Like two weeks later, Red gets into a Argument with Muskrat, Wet Dog, and Fit. She starts hanging out with me and Hershey during class. So Muskrat, Wet Dog, and fit all walk over to the table and try to gang up on her yelling. I simply tell them to bring it down 123 notches because that's unnecessary. Then MUSKRAT my friend since 4th grade GOT THE NERVE. The AUDACITY. To tell me to shut up. So me and Muskrat start arguing and before you know it, Me, Hershey, and Red are arguing with Wet Dog, Muskrat, and Fit. They walk away. So clearly we aren't cool anymore.

So over time me and Red start to become closer because I realize she's really a cool girl. Then about 2 months later, (Like 2 wks ago) Red and Fit bounce back and they start talking again. So previously Red and Fit were "Bestfriends" Prior to the argument. So like I said they bounce back and they're cool again. So basically Fit comes up to me and says "Oh Red isn't your Bestfriend she's mine so stop claiming her." I was like "Oh Noo baby girl. First off bring it down, secondly she's my Bestfriend because y'all stopped talking and she's all like oh no that's what friends do. And her friend Wet Dog walks up and says Oh Red You Have to Choose either Malayzia( Me) Or Fit. And Red chooses Fit when I was there for her all along.

I was just like okay and I walked off. Then later people around my messy school got ahold of what was happening and then they started rumors saying Oh Malayzia said she wanted to fight you. But they're telling Fit this. So Fit approaches me at lunch. And She said "Oh people are telling me you wanna fight is this true." I said "No because I really didn't say it." So she nods and says Oh Okay the issue is dropped me and Red are bestfriends again there's no issues. I nod and walk away. DURING 6th Period, I'm receiving all types of Unknown calls and then other types of stuff. After school I'm leaving class Wet Dog and Muskrat stops me "Hey can I talk to you for a second." I nod and stop walking. And suddenly here comes Fit coming with her hair tied up and no backpack like she's ready to fight.

So I was set up by Wet Dog and Muskrat. Anyways I take this as we're about to fight, so I take my backpack off give my phone to my friend allat. She gets in my face and squares up, I do the same. Mind you I'm way taller than her. She swings on me, we start to fight. And basically On Monday (Of Last week, the one that just passed) she basically got in the Dean office and lied😂😂😂
But I'm cool offa her and Red apologized for everything she put me through. She said she chose the wrong person. Me being the forgiving person I am I forgave her and now everything cool. But I still hate Muskrat, Wet Dog, and Fit. They can die in a fire.

Y'all probably like why are they named that. Here's a explanation.

Muskrat- Because she's ugly.

Wet Dog- Because her hair is always wet and she looks like she got locked out the house, with her dollar store makeup

Fit- Because she's only a little 9th grader who wants to fit in soooooo bad.

Anyways. On a positive note!

Today is my aunties baby shower! Yaaay! I'm about to be cute. Photos will be in the next chapter. COMMENT GUYS COMMENT. Anyways I love y'all, I have the best Readers ever.

Comment how your day went and what did it consist of? And Anything else you might want me to know.

Chapter suggestions?
Story times?

What If Wet Dog, Muskrat, Or Fit Reads this😂😂😂
Dear Muskrat, Wet Dog and Fit,
Die in a fire. Just set yourself on fire.
Much Hated,

Anyways Wyd RN.
Song Suggestions?
Issa Jawn. If I was them, I'd hate me too. I need internet friends who wants to Imessage. Not on no weird ish. Okay it's 10:18 inna Morning I gotta go flex! Bye guys. Ttyl!

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