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I'm continuing that one shot about how little Leia was taken by Belle.

Enjoy my loves.


"Oh my God. Belle? What are you doing?" Emma asked.

"I'm tired of being a hero! I want to do something bad. Put a mark on my record," Belle explained. She held Leia in her arms and looked down at her. "And what's worse than taking the child of the savior, product of true love and the child is also the product of true love. I don't know how any of you don't see this, but she is the most powerful being in the world. Even more than rumple, so by extracting her magic will bring me great power,"

"Did you put her up to this?" Regina nudged gold.

"No. Probably just rubbed off on her a bit, but this is the most hot thing I've ever seen in my life, and that's saying something considering how long I've lived," he kept his eyes on Belle the entire time.

"If you extract the magic from Leia, it will kill her," Mary Margaret said.

"Precisely, making it worse and all of you will be out to get me," she cackled to herself and then said, "goodbye," then poofed away.

"I am beyond confused," Regina sighed.

"Aren't we all?" Killian asked as he held Emma closer.

"I just want my child so everyone stop moping and help us find her," Emma said and she dragged Killian outside.

Once they stepped out, Emma realized Killian wasn't wearing pants.

"What the..." Emma started.

"What's wrong love?" He asked. She looked up to see his head flaming.

"Oh God, Killian you're on fire! And your pants are gone!" All of a sudden she felt a sharp pain in her side. She turned to find Belle who had stuck a sword into her hip. She fell to the ground with a loud thump and reached out to grasp something to hold herself up with.

"You are not having my baby!" Emma yelled as she leaped onto Belle and took Leia from her. Belle scoffed and before she poofed away she said,

"Fine, I'll go find another baby to steal,"

Emma looked down at her baby girl knowing these were her last moments with her.

"Killian," Emma rasped out.

"Shhh, don't talk Emma, it's ok, everything is fine. Just close your eyes and you'll see a light. Just walk towards the light and all your pain will be gone," Emma nodded and reached up to touch his scruff.

"I love you," she said.

"I love you too," he replied. She closed her eyes and could see the light forming. She blinked to adjust to the light and quickly sat up from her laying down position. She looked around to find herself in her room. All alone.

"Killian?" She called out. "Killian?" She called again, more frantically. She hears something shuffling up the stairs as 2 heads peaked around the door. Leia and Killian.

"Another nightmare love?"


Anyway I hope it was at least ok.

Comment, vote, request, etc.

Love my little fried chickens😘😘😘

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