Penny Boarding With Him.

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Jack held put his hand and pulled me up from the floor of the pod.

He held out his hand and pulled me into his arms, I rested my head on his shoulders leaving my tears falling on his shirt.

I lifted my head and stared into his eyes, he wiped away my tears and smiled at me which seemed to reflect onto me as I was smiling back at him.

"Let's get you home in the warm" Jack said rubbing my arms trying to warm me up.

"Okay" I said as my teeth started to chatter together. He took hold of my hand again and we stepped out of the pod.

We walked along the cold streets of London, making our way back to mine and Jack's apartment. The lights from the shops lighting up the street.

I pulled my jacket over my shoulders and tucked my other hand into my pocket.

We walked past late night coffee shops, jazz bars and banks and then at the end of the road there was a PennyBoard shop, I saw how excited Jack was in his eyes.

Jack ran ahead to the PennyBoard shop and leant his head against the window to see the rows of boards.

I caught up with him and he pulled me into the shop, it was like a kid in a sweet shop.

"What are you doing Jack" I questioned him as he ran over to the girls boards,

"I'm getting this for you" he said pulling a pastel pink penny board off the shelf.

"Jack I can't even skate" I said taking the penny board off him and putting it back.

"I'm going to teach you" He said while taking the board again.

He walks up to the till and gives the man the penny.

"No, Jack they are too expensive I can't let you pay" I said tugging at his arm.

He completely ignored me and took the penny board from the man and walked out of the shop with me following him.

He placed the penny board on the floor and instructs me to get on it, I looked at the board and then back a him.

I stepped onto the penny board, wobbling. Jack held my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck so I could hold my balance.

He pulled me along the roads where we walked earlier. I was starting to get the hang of it.

Jack let go of my waist and pushed me along the road by myself, Jack ran along with me incase I fell off.

The penny was gliding along the road and then suddenly it stopped as it hit a rock, the penny went flying along the road and I fell to the ground, Jack ran over to me, I could see the panic in his face.

I started laughing off the pain and held my stomach as Jack started laughing with me.

"Are you okay?" Jack said laughing with me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think" I said trying to push myself off the floor.

Jack scooped me up off the floor and put me on the kerb.

I gently rubbed my ankle from where I had hit the floor and cut my ankle. I rubbed away the blood and unrolled my leggings letting it fall onto my leg.

"Are you ready to go home now" Jack said rubbing the back of his neck.

I nodded as my ankle was hurting and it was getting pretty dark.

"I'll give you a piggy back to the car" he obviously knew I hurt my ankle. He turned around and bent his knees, ready for me to jump on his back.

I jumped onto his back and hooked my hands together around his neck. Jack's arms held my legs around his waist and he walked to the car.

Jack carried me to his car that wasn't parked too far away.

He placed me back onto the ground and unlocked his car, we both climbed into the front.

"That was fun" I said looking over at Jack, while he stuck the keys into the ignition.

His eyes lifted from the steering wheel and our eyes met,

"It sure was" He said smiling at me.

He lent over and tucked my hair behind my ear and his hand reached for the back of my head, he pulled me into a kiss.

Our lips met.


Haven't updated in ages so here you go, sorry it was just a filler. I've had a complete writers block and I have an exciting idea for the next chapter. It should be uploaded very soon.

Thank you lovelies,


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2014 ⏰

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