Feeling The Pain

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     I knelt down and worked on the generator with Jake. I grabbed wires, set them together, pulled on strings to make the machine exhale gas, and then pray it'd work. It's a lot to work on these things. Suddenly, I felt a jolt of energy surge through my fingers. I put the two wires together and the energy stopped.

"Weird?", I said out loud.

"Hmm?", Jake asked 

"I just felt this odd surge of energy, when I connected the two wires I was holding. When I let them go, it stopped", I explained to Jake. 

"I agree, that is weird", he said sarcastically. I turned around and saw someone running in the distance. 

"Is that Claudette?", I yelled out. I stood,  leaving the generator and going around to Jake. "Look! Over there!", I pointed in the distance. He stood up and looked where I pointed.

"Is that really her?", Jake asked. I shrugged, staring at him. 

"Lets go check. Well, you can stay here and work on the generator while I go check.", I told him. He shook me a 'no'. "Okay, lets go then.", I said 

We both ran towards the person running. After around 10 seconds, we could clearly see it was Claudette. Jake called her name and we both sprinted to her. 

She got in arms reach and collapsed. Jake lunged and grabbed her from under the shoulders and slowly let her lay on the floor.

Her tears were visible as she panted positively in pain from her shoulder and her back, as they were dripping blood.

         "Th-thank you so much.", she cried out while holding her stomach and coughing. She panted loudly, sobbing from an overwhelming amount of pain. "It-it hurt.", she inhaled. "It hurt so much." She continued to breath heavily. "He's so fucking scary.", she exhaled. She took a deep breath in and said, "So. Fucking. Scary." She kept slowly breathing in and out. 

     Her breath slowly stopped and she seemed a bit relaxed. she stopped so tensely clenching and we both felt her let it all go. 

A few seconds went by, and I rearranged myself, the floor crunching below me.  

     "Claudette!", I screamed out. I shook her lightly and there was no response. "Claudette!", I screamed again. 

"Oh- shit!", Jake screamed out, shaking her with me. He panted, and held her arms still. Claudette rested on Jake's lap as he continued to hold her tightly. 

"No no! Please!", I screamed out "Don't be dead!", I felt the tears beginning to roll down my cheeks. I shook her more while nothing happened. Jake got out from under her and dropped her gently on the green grass surrounding them. I rubbed my eyes and immediately regretted it. I smeared blood across my eye lid and onto my cheek. I tried to just rub the blood onto my shirt. Jake stood up and began to pace around. 

     "What do we do?", cried out while looking up at Jake. He stared back at me, and looked angry. 

     "We escape!", he screamed out, it was quiet. 

"AUGH— FUCK!", someone screamed out in pain.

     "Shit! Meg!", Jake yelled out. He broke off into a sprint. I turned my head and fixed my glasses. Again rubbing blood on my face. I could see Meg running from the monster and Jake ran to help her. 

     "Goodbye Claudette. See you back at the campfire, I hope.", I say to myself, hoping that the stories are true. I put my hand to Claudette's eyes and shut them slowly. I stood up, sniffling, and then walked to the generator to finish working on it.  

[Finished.]Dead by Daylight "The Woods" [DwightxJake] Where stories live. Discover now