Another trial is near

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I looked back while I stared at meg, running over to Jake. I felt no need to struggle, because I knew that Jake would be safe and Meg would be too. This uncomfortable ride to the hook bought enough time for Meg to help Jake up, and escort him to the exit.
     I watched as a yellow figure helped another yellow figure to where I presumed was the exit. I knew that they escaped, and now it was my turn, where I would die. The monster stopped and just like last time, I was thrown onto the hook.
     I looked down immediately and the black object was already flowing up the hook, extremely fast. I looked back up in fear and screamed as one of the legs flew forward to fast, impaling my chest. I spit blood and grabbed the limb, I coughed and another stab went though my back, and I yelled again, crying in pain. A couple seconds later and everything went black and I felt like a feather.
     The pain suddenly went away, and I could feel wind on my face. I opened my eyes and I was being lifted by the spider legs into a dark cloud.
     When we entered into the cloud I could feel a hard, floor of dirt, and then a familiar voice, screaming my name.
     "DWIGHT! GUYS HES BACK!" Someone screamed, and I heard a bunch of footsteps running. I looked around and saw Claudette, Ace, and Nea kneeling over me, staring at me.
     "C-Claudette!" I yelled, lifting my arms up, wrapping my arms around her waist. She yelped and then I felt a hand rub my head. I stumbled to my knees and lifted my arms over her shoulders.
     "We- didn't know if you would come back" I muttered, smiling awkwardly. I let go and stared at her.
     "Well, here I am!" She smiled, fixing her glasses.
     "That's- umm, so good...I couldn't live with myself if you died.." I muttered
     "Besides that, where are the others?" Ace blurted out.
     I turned around, standing up. "Meg and Jake escaped together. I distracted the killer away so they could escape.
     "Wow, that's amazing" Ace said. I smiled.
     "What happened while we were gone? It felt like we weren't here for at the most, one hour?" I said
     "Well, more like guys were gone for a while. After we woke up, we noticed y'all were gone" Nea said.
     "Nea and I just sat here, talking, and waiting. It was horrible." Ace said.
     "When will they get back? Jake and Meg?" Claudette asked
     "Don't know.. I wonder if they will just appear like I did..." I guessed
     "Hey! Remember that blood web thing, wonder if you can get anything?" Claudette yelled out.
     "Yeah, true, lets wait until Jake a Meg get back. We all can go together"
     "Okay!" Claudette said, smiling. We all sat down, waiting for them to get back.
     About five minutes later, I turned and saw Jake and Meg running together from out of the thick forest that surrounded us.
     "Jake— They're back guys!" I screamed. I stood up quickly and ran towards them.
     When we all ran to them we greeted and hugged accept me and Jake, I wanted to wait.
     When everything calmed down, dawn already hit. I feared that Jake would be sent back, I didn't want him to get hurt like I did, I couldn't stand the feeling.
     Everyone was sitting by the campfire, and we all talked and hung out, laughing and telling stories.
     "Hey Jake" I turned over and whispered.
     "Yeah?" He whispered back
     "Can we go talk for a bit" I muttered nervously
     "Umm- sure" he whispered back.
     I stood up put one foot then the other over the log, and Jake followed behind.
     I quick walked for a bit, and suddenly Jake blurted out
    "What do you need? Something on your mind?" I froze up, I didn't know if confessing is the best option now.
     "T-thank you" I muttered, then smiled at him.
     Jake looked down at me. "No apologies!" He spoke with happiness in his voice. I stared back at him and he took a step forward.
     "I'll always have your back" He said, smiling.
     "Me too" I spoke "Lets go back.." I muttered with a smile.
When we got back Claudette and Ace were asleep and Meg and Nea were still talking by the campfire.
"Hey boys" Meg said deviously, staring into my eyes.
"Hi" I called back, staring back awkwardly. I could see her eye brows going up and down.
"When are you guys gonna hit the hay?" Meg said loudly.
     "Soon..I'm pretty tired" I said with a sigh.
     "Yeah, couldn't agree more" Jake blurted. Around 30 minutes later, we all decided to got to sleep. The grass patch was the best we could find for a place to sleep.
     I woke up from a pain in my neck, and I felt a little stuffy. The moon shined above the open area, and everywhere accept the campfire was completely dark.
     I sat myself up, putting pressure on my nose and the tip of my forehead, something I learned a while back. This was an easy trick to clear your nose out.
     I turned to my left and saw Claudette sitting on one of the logs, slouching oddly. I stood up, ready to ask what's wrong. I walked over, stepping over Jake cautiously.
     I got near her when I whispered "Whats wrong? Couldn't fall asleep?"
     She flinched slightly and turned around. "Oh- hey.." she muttered, sniffling. "Uhh- nothing.. and yeah I couldn't fall asleep" she said while looking back at me. I sat down on the log slowly
"Oh...hey you wanna take a walk? It's kinda chilly but it's nice."
"Yeah, sure I guess" she agreed. I stood up and she did the same. She began walking and I followed behind.
The silence continued as we walked at least a quarter of a mile in.
"Claudette" I blurted out
"Mmhm?" She said
"I wanted to go for a walk because I have to tell you something."
"What is it?"
"Claudette I trust you, I think that you won't tell anyone what I'm gonna tell you"
"I won't if you don't want me too...?"
"Claudette" I spoke quietly, slowing in words
"Yeah?" She responded with concern lathered in the word
"I'm- I'm in love" I coughed up, staring down
"What?" She responded quickly,
"I'm in love with Jake"

[Finished.]Dead by Daylight "The Woods" [DwightxJake] Where stories live. Discover now