3- Has Been

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"Maybe you didn't mean what you said. But maybe you loved to see the hurt in my eyes as it fuelled the chaos you desired"

I heard the buzz of my phone ring as I crunched on cereal for dinner, too lazy to make actual food. It was around 10pm and the sky had darkened to an ivory black, matching my undesirable mood.

I grabbed my phone and unlocked it, seeing that I got a message from Scott.

'Stiles was pretty bummed you didn't show up in helping us find Malia :/'

I clicked my phone shut and sighed, pushing my bowl of cereal away. Yes, I was one of those teenage girls where when they do something embarrassing, like vomit in front of their crush, they never show their face again.

When I have a crush, I crush badly. I begin to think of scenarios in my head of things going right, walk past them and not look at them so they look at me first and most importantly, I fall for guys who will never like me.

But Stiles, he's different. He acknowledges me. He knows me more than my own sister and now I don't even know if he considers me a friend because of that incident. And everyday I live with the regretful thought.

If I hadn't kissed Stiles that day, we would've been watching TV right now and making dinner together while throwing popcorn at each other, because that's the type of people we were.

I pushed my chair back and begun to head upstairs to where Isaac and Allison were. It was eerily quiet and I stopped in the middle of the corridor.

I slowly walked backwards, where my room was and rummaged throughly my draws until I found the Swiss Army knives Stiles got me for my birthday.

'To the bravest women I know, Stiles,' was engraved onto it.

I then proceeded to walk to the direction in which Isaac and Allison were last time I checked and gasped loudly as I saw Isaac laying unconscious on the floor.


I heard various footsteps padding against the floor and the sound of the door bursting open revealing Allison and Dad. Allison quickly ran to Isaac's side and begun to shake him.

"Isaac, open up! Yeah! Isaac? Isaac! He's freezing. Dad, he's like ice," Allison told dad shakily.

"Isaac, look at me. Isaac," Dad walked over to Isaac's side.

"What's happening to him?" I asked them both still a bit shaken up.

"Isaac, come on. Isaac, listen. You have to turn," Dad commanded Isaac, while grabbing his jaw to face him. "Look at me. You need to trigger it."

"Dad I don't think telling him to turn is gonna make him turn," I yelled at dad over the chaos.

"Then what do you want me to do!" Dad shouted at me. I walked over to Isaac and punched him straight in the jaw.

"Did you see them?" was the first thing Isaac asked as soon as I punched him, eyes glowing blue.

"Who?" Allison questioned, still latching onto his arm.

"There was five of them. They wore black. I couldn't- I couldn't see their faces. They were covered," Isaac explained, looking at Allison then turned towards dad.

Dove -Stiles StillinskiWhere stories live. Discover now