10- In

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"All I wanted to know was where you were"

"You don't u-understand S-s-cott," I heard Stiles sob out. "You don't know wha- what it feels like."

I heard him begin to sob even louder and hit his fist against the wall. The sound of the machine beeping was playing against the pain evident in his voice.

"I bought her those damn knives for her birthday! I bought her the knives she tried to f*cking kill herself with! And I woke up , seeing her lay there dead and- and"

"Stiles it's fine you don't have to continue," Scott reassured him. I heard Scott pat Stiles in the back while Stiles continue to cry in hysterics.

"She stabbed herself so I wouldn't feel regret for the rest of my life, so that maybe he dies. I've never helped her once in my damn life, all I've done is ignore her because I'm too stupid to admit my feelings and she just tried to kill herself so I wouldn't feel bad and he would leave me alone," Stiles whispered while sniffing. "And when I picked up the knives I bought her, blood was dripping down the part where my name was, like the Nogistune was taunting me."

"But you want to know what the worst part is?" Stiles asked Scott.

"Stiles you don't have to-"

"The worst part was that the love of my life was committing suicide while I just watched her do it."

I regret not being able to wake up, to tell him that I do love him, I love him more than anything. But I couldn't. I couldn't get up.

Dad had kicked him out along with Allison, out of anger. Dad was yelling at how this was his fault and Allison was yelling at me to wake up as she didn't want another person from her family to die. Stiles had just nodded and left. He left and disappeared, once again not knowing where he is.

It had been a miracle that I even survived. Many people who slit their throats don't really survive, hint the sarcasm. It was probably around a three days before I finally opened my eyes and demanded to leave as Stiles was more important than my health.

I learnt later that Allison was the one who saw me, not because she woke up from the commotion (because I did hear her call me name) but because the Void himself woke her up, telling her where I was and my state. I guess he did not want me to die at all, for his own benefit or because he really loves me.

So now, Allison and I stood around dad as he was examining his gun, with a cloth wrapped around my neck from the cut of my knife. When dad tried to shoot the Oni last week, he was confused as to why his gun didn't fire.

"Allison you may have tried to minimised the pain of the weapons to keep them from hurting anyone but I think that isn't going to stop anything because of dad," I laughed at her. She glared at me, smile playing on her lips while placing the weapons in the bag.

"We protect those who cannot protect themselves. Remember? We made that quote together after bonding over mums death, when we decided not to hurt people with our weapons?" She sighed, zipping up the duffle bag.

"We can't protect Stiles from those who cannot listen to their daughters A.K.A padre," I chuckled slightly. Allison brushed her hands together and looked at me with a sly smirk.

"Then what do you suggest we do oh not so identical twin?" She asked with a sarcastic smile.

"I say we take his firing pin out of his favourite gun," I said with a smirk. "I don't want Stiles to get hurt. If he gets hurt then the Nogitsune will taunt him and eventually Stiles will forget me which I promised him won't happen," I added this time with a more serious tone.

Dove -Stiles StillinskiWhere stories live. Discover now