7- Need

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"I wanted you to stay to tell me all the dirty things no ones ever told me"

"What's happening? What's happening?" Was the first thing I heard said when I walked into the Sheriffs department.

"Get down! Get me an ambulance here, at the sheriff's station," An officer yelled. I was breathing heavily, looking at the amount pandemonium around me.

"We've got an explosion. We got multiple officers down. Multiple officers down. We need an ambulance A.S.A.P. On the double," Another officer yelled into the telephone.

I looked around the flying papers, the amount of smoke from what I estimated came from the bomb that we were looking for. My eyes kept scanning the room until they caught something.


My dad was laying on the floor with Derek on top of him, as both the seat behind them was absolutely demolished. My hands flew towards my mouth as tears threatened to escape my eyes.

"Dad? Oh my god!" I whispered with a slight stutter. Scott and Stiles finally saw where my vision was directed to and jogged behind me as I raced to his aid.

"Kay? Scott?" Derek asked, his eyes in a bit of a haze.

"Derek, oh my god thank you so much," I looked at him with appreciation in my eyes while grabbing my dad's hand. I looked at my dad's direction.

"I'm fine," He puffed out, knowing what I was going to ask.

"Derek?" Scott asked.

"I'm okay," He breathed out.

"You saved my life," Dad looked at Derek with admiration, still breathing heavily.

"Guys- oh god," Stiles gasped out as his eyes caught the sight of an officer close to death. "Can you do something? Take his pain? Anything to make it easier?"

Scott looked sadly at the officer who seemed to be the worse in pain and nodded at Stiles' request. He walked over to the officer and held his hand, black veins prominent on his arm. The officer slowly closed his eyes, welcoming his death.

"Guys you need to leave," Sheriff yelled at us all. I shook my head, holding my dad's hand tighter.

"Kayla, please leave. It's getting dark and Stiles needs you. I promise I'll be fine," Dad whispered to me. I sighed and slowly got up, wiping the tears that never escaped because I tried so hard to keep them in there.

"C'mon let's leave before anything uninvited decides to show up," Scott mumbled, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the Sheriff's station.

As the three of us ran outside, we unexpectedly ran into Kira who was stressfully waiting outside and I mentally rolled my eyes as I just wanted to get to a safe place.

"Kira?" Scott asked.

"The oni. They're coming," She warned us. We all glanced at each other nervously, knowing who they were looking for next.

"Stiles, we gotta get you out of here."


It was pouring heavily when we got to the animal clinic. Stiles stopped the jeep and we jumped out of it, running to the entrance of the clinic.

Dove -Stiles StillinskiWhere stories live. Discover now