Day 8

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A little about the barn I take lessons at:
The barn is located at her house and it has five stalls. There are two pastures that are kind of sloped. There is an old abandoned barn in one pasture. There is a round pen that is also a little sloped. There is a ring that is small without a rail. It is big enough to easily canter in. There are a pony and a horse there at the moment. Pony and Ben.
A little about the barn I lease at:
The barn has ten stalls and a tack room. One stall is filled with feed and hay. They have a round pen, an indoor ring, a dressage ring, a jumping ring, and a cross country course. Hey are building another jumping ring. There are lots of green pastures. Since there is 11 horses they have to stalls set up in the indoor.

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