°•.Prologue Part 3.•°

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I was currently training on the Swordfighting Arena when all of the sudden, I blacked out.

The next thing I saw is the forest. I saw figures wearing an orange shirt with the same print on it, Camp Half-Blood. With a start, I realized that they are campers.

The scary part is that I recognize some of their faces. The Stoll Brothers, Katie, Sherman and some other campers that I tried so hard to befriend. My eyes widened the moment I saw Jason and Piper among the crowd.

Someone pushed their way towards the front. That face that I would always hate greeted me.

"How's the great Hero of Olympus doing?" Logan said in a mocking tone.

I moved my arms to strangle him, but soon realized that my hands are tied up. I tugged, but it won't work. So instead, I spit at his face.

"Ahh!" He yelled as he wiped his face. "You'll pay for that, Jackson!"

He waved his hand, and the campers moved forward. I was slightly hoping that they'll strangle Logan for me, but instead, some kicked me, and some threw punches at me.

My eyes widened as each hit reaches my skin. You would think it doesn't hurt, but I would like to remind you that I lost my Achilles Curse. Thus not being invincible, the pain is just dull for me.

That is until someone hit the small of my back. A yell escaped my mouth and I looked at the person. The pain almost made me collapse, but I struggled to stay conscious.

"Piper," I said through gritted teeth. "Why?"

But she just glared at me and kicked the vulnerable part of me once again, and I gave off another yell.

Finally, they stopped. I looked up in time as my nemesis unsheath a dagger. He knelt until he's my eye level. Then, he grinned wickedly.

"How does it feel?" He asked, running a hand through the blade of the dagger. Without warning, he cut the blade on my skin.

Celestial Bronze! I thought. Of course he'll use that!

I felt slight pain as he cut the knife on my arm. That's when I realized that he's writing something.

Blood oozed from the wound, and the pain is starting to increase, which I thought would be impossible. Finally, I gave a small whimper and he stopped.

"Aw," Logan teased. "Is the little hero feeling pain?"

I snapped at him, and looked at my arm. I gritted my teeth at what he wrote.


News flash, I started hating him more than how much I hated Luke once.

Then, he punched my face and kicked. After that, he grabbed a fistful of my hair and slammed me to the ground.

"This will be your daily routine," he said. Logan dragged me to the water. I smiled mentally, thinking he doesn't know that water would just heal me. That is, until he pushed my face in the water.

I suddenly remembered the time when I almost suffocated in Alaska. I held my breath and panicked, thinking that if I breath, I'll drown.

Curse it. I really hate my phobia.

My head was soon pulled out of the water when I am slowly losing consciousness. I breathe in the air and was dragged back to the dirt.

Logan kicked and punched once again. I closed my eyes as the pain increased once again. Bruises started to appear.

When I thought that it won't stop, someone yelled, "Hey! What'd you think you're doing?"

The least person I thought would step up and save me emerged from the trees. The daughter of Ares glared at Logan. "Stop."

Like a whimp, Logan let go of me. Then, he ran away, obviously scared of Clarisse.

The campers also fled at the sound of Clarisse's voice. She took out a knife and cut off the ropes tied on my hand. I winced as she accidentally cut my hand occasionally. Then, she helped me up.

"Hey Prissy," she said. "You owe me one."

"Yeah," I said, nodding. Then, I winced as pain shot through me. "Thanks."

She offered a hand, which I was slightly surprised at. But I took it anyway. "Well, if you consider it, I suppose you don't owe me one."

"What?" I asked.

"I just remembered when you help me with my dad's chariot. This is how I'll pay you."

Clarisse suddenly lowered her voice. "But don't assume I'll always save your ass, punk. I'm still looking for ways to beat you up."

I can't help but smile slightly. "Sure. Whatever, Clarisse."

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