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Lucy's Pov

I wake up to see a note on my writing desk so i stretch and walk over to the desk. 'Its from Natsu' i said to my self quietly and read the note. 

Dear Luce

                    i'm writing this letter because i'm Planning to go away for a few months. Just me and Happy because we want to go on...whats it called? oh yeah a vacation. i promise i will come back. see ya Later 

Natsu :) 

i can't believe he's going to Leave me again! what the hell is his problem. i stormed off to his house and turned my storming into panic running. i hope he isn't gone. he better not be gone. 

stopping at his door i burst it open make the pink haired idiot jump along with his blue cat flying in the air with fear. 'Lucy' he spoke softly with a striaght face as he saw the anger on mine. 

'you wanna explain this to me Natsu?' i shouted and he walked closer. 'NO!, DON'T COME NEAR ME, EXPLAIN!' i shouted again. 

'i can't explain Lucy' 

'how could you do this to me again!' i snapped and he just looked guilty. 

'I DON'T GET WHY YOU ARE SO OBSESSED WITH BEING NEAR ME LUCY!' He shouted making my heart break and i just cried. 

'YOU KNOW WHAT NATSU, I HOPE THAT WHEN YOU LEAVE, YOU FEEL GUILTY. THE REASON WHY I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU IS BECAUSE YOU WERE THE ONE THAT SAID WE ARE A TEAM, YOU WERE THE ONE WHO SAID WE WILL NEVER END THE TEAM AND YOU SAI-' i was cut off by Natsu hugging me and i just cried hugging him back. he looked into my brown eyes with his big green ones and smiled. 

'i just need some time Lucy' he whispered and i was confused when he wiped my tear of my cheek. 

'what do you mean?, natsu please stay i'll miss you too much' i cried and Natsu kissed me unexpectedly. 

'i need time to think Lucy, and time to train' he whispered again and he kissed me once again this time not breaking apart. i obviously kissed him back........







Natsus Pov 

i wake up on my bed with Lucy sleeping next to me. i can't believe what we did, it wasn't meant to happen, this is what i needed to think about, i needed to think about how i really felt. but i also want to leave to get stronger for lucy, so i can protect her, i hate seeing her hurt, i hate not being able to stop her getting fricken kidnapped. this is why i'm doing it, i have to. 

quietly i climb of the bed and Lucy still remained sleeping. i put my clothes back on and pick up my bag. as i put my scarfe on i look in the mirror and see lucy on the bed still sleeping. i walk back to the bed and put the scarfe next to her. 'you need something of me' i whispered and she hummed in her sleep and turned the other way. i take a deep breath and go to happy's room and see him fast asleep.  'take care of Lucy little buddy' i whispred to him and he purred in his sleep making me chuckle. i quickly get my remaining things and leave the house. i run to the far mountains because i aint going on a train, who knows where i'll go but i know that i'll be twice as stronger for my guild, and stronger for Lucy. 

i know i promised Happy to come with me again but like i said, i need to be alone to think and become strong on my own, i know Happy will look after Lucy, i wrote him a note to tell him otherwise. 

Lucys pov

i wake up and see that the bed is empty with only me on it. i wrap Natsus thin blanket around me and get up off the bed. i check around the house and see happy sleeping peacfully, he couldn't have left. i mean Happy is still here. 'NATSU!' i yelled and i had no reply. i checked every other room and there was no sign of him anywhere. my heart began to break once again. i felt like i couldn't breath. 

'LUCY!' i heard happy yell with panic and see him flying down the stairs. 'he's gone!' he cried and i put my hands around my mouth and tears fell down both our faces.  

'Dear happy,

                          Make sure you look after Lucy when i'm Gone. keep her happy and keep her safe. i'll be back soon in a couple of months. i promise. 

from your bud Natsu 

'how could he do this Lucy, why did he Leave me after promising' Happy cried and i just hugged him. 

'don't worry Happy. we'll be fine okay, I promise that we'll be happy again.' i really hope we can be happy again. Natsu just abandoned us. 

i walk upstairs to his room and see the scarf on the floor next to the bed. i pick it up and cried. i guess he really has gone. 


hope you guys like this chapter. 

this is my first book and i hope you really like it. 

thanks so much for reading it. 

can't wait to write the other one. 


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