Coming Home

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Natsus pov

me and lucy are sitting by the Tv and i had a question i've been holding for a few months. 'Hey Luce' 

'yeah', she moved closer to me and balanced her head on my shoulder. 

'have you ever thought about going to Magnolia?' she remained quiet, i knew she would be like this. 

'well yeah, kind of but i'm just scared' 

'why scared?' 

'i don't know...but even if we did move where would we go, my old house has one room, and its most likely taken' 

'my house is still there' after i said that Lucys eye twtiched. 'alright yeah, its messy but i'll re-decorate it and expand it. i have huge garden space aswell' i added and she sort of smiled. 

'if we go i'm not walking all the way there...we're going to have to get a train' now my eye was twitching and Lucy laughed. 

'alright, you know everyone misses you' i said and lucy nodded. 

'okay lets go back home' she said exitedly and i smiled. we kissed and went upstairs to strat packing. 


Lucy's pov 

Luke was so exited. morning came so quickly. i can't wait to move back but still i'm quite nervous, i feel like they are going to hate me. please don't hate me. 'come on lets go' Luke said exitedly but impatiently me and natsu walked towards the door while Happy and Luke were waiting. 

when we all got on the train natsu already felt sick. 'i guess you haven't conqured motion sickness' i laughed when happy said that and then Luke started to feel sick. he never acted like that when we went on trians. 

'Luke whats wrong?' 

'i don't know' he strained his words and natsu looked at him weakly. 

'hehe, like father like son' Natsu strained and Luke layed down and put his head on his lap. 'nah don't worry, you'll get used to it how i deal with it, is by closing my eyes and tensing my stomache' natsu suggested and Luke did what Natsu suggested. it was cute seeing them both like this but i was still confused. 

'why is Luke suddenly like this?' i asked and Natsu chuckled. 

'because i taught him Dragon Slayer magic' ooohhh.........

'oh' was all i said and Luke started whining in pain. 'don't worry Luke, we'll be there soon' i said and Natsu stroked his hair trying to calm him down. 


we finally made it out of the train and Luke and Natsu were jumping for joy as they exit the train. natsu lead the way with Luke on his shoulders and we headed straight to the guild. 

it looks bigger but the same. my heart pounded fast, i felt like i was going to explode. Natsu opened the door and everyone looked at us with happiness but with shock. 'LUUUUUUUCCCCCCYYYYYYYY!' they cheered and we all laughed. they ran over to us and crowded us saying that they were worried and that i should never leave again. 

'i know shes gotten so old' Happy said and i just glared at him making everyone laugh. 

Natsu's pov 

Me, Gray, Jellal and Gajeel sat by the bar with the other guys and lucy sat with the other girls and Luke sat with the other kids and we were all talking about what happened. 

'so Jellal when did you join?' i asked and he chuckled. 

'well, it was three years and erza bumped into each other and...well...yeah, 2 months later she contacted me saying she was pregnant and i told her i am willing to do anything for her, and she forced me to join the guild and now we're expecting another kid' wow. 

'congradulations man' i said knocking knuckles. 

'Gray i see your a dad now' 

'Natsu we all are' Gray mumbled and we all chuckled. 

'it's so weird, how we were immature and now we have kids' i said and the guys looked at me weird 'what?' 

'why you so deep all of a sudden?' gajeel asked and i just chuckled. 

'i dunno, the last six years changed me, also finding out Luke is my son, i dunno, i just changed' i explained and the guys chuckled and we carried on talking. 

Lucy's pov 

me and the girls talk about me leaving and that they are happy they have finally met Luke and that i have come back. 'Lucy i got to say, you have a beautiful son, and he's so much like Natsu' Erza said and i smiled and nodded. 

'yeah, the only thing he has of me is my colour hair' i explained and the girls giggled. 

'so when he came back, what did you do?' Levy asked. 

'well, he did what he used to do, just enter the house like he owned it and i didn't know it was him so i beat him with a baseball bat until i heard his voice. i then dragged him outside and we argued...but then we just made up and he promised me that he'll never leave us again...i introduced Luke to him and they became father and son as if they were best friends. he taught him dragon slayer magic straight away, and they play sportsl...they do everything together' i explained with tears and the girls had tears. erza was hormonal so she was crying even more and i just giggled. 

'so they get along great then' juvia said and i nodded, all the girls hugged me saying they were happy that i came back. 

Lukes Pov 

when i came here i was scared that i was going to be the only kid but i'm not thank god. i'm making a lot of friends. 

'whats your name?' i said to a boy with dark blue hair and he smiled. 

'Storm fullbuster' he replied and i smiled and shook his hand. 'my dad is Gray and my mum is Juvia. apparently our dads argue a lot' i giggled at his comment until i see storms dad and my dad fight on the table. we looked at each other awkwardly. 

'we don't have to be like that do we' and he shook his head. 

'no, we can be friends' he said and we smiled. 

'hi, i'm called Lila Redfox. my mummy is Levy and my daddy is Gajeel, He's a dragon slayer too' cool another dragon slayer. 

'what dragon slayer does your dad have?' 

'he is an iron dragon slayer. he can do so much...he taught me iron dragon sword and iron dragon roar' lila explained and i looked amazed. 

'my dad taught me fire dragon iron fist and fire dragon roar' i explained and lila gave me a high five. 'our dads argue aswell, thats what mummy said but we can be friends' she gave me a hug. we are now a dynamic trio. 

'hey our dads were in the same team, maybe we could be in a team, the three of us' strom suggested and me and Lila smiled with exitment. 

'yeah, what cool team names could we be?' i asked and Lila thought for a bit. 

'Rose and thorns...i'm the rose and you two are the thorns' we all smiled and did a team high five...we are now called rose and thorns. 

i'm happy mummy took me here because i have new friends, i miss my old ones but they wasn't like me, they were just magicless. everyone here is fun and funny. i can tell mummy is more happier now because her and happy are back home with daddy and they are back at the place where all her other family are. i'm going to love this new chapter of life as lila said. she always says, 'enjoy life as if its a new chapter in a story' i'm exited for this new chapter. 


hey guys, 

one more chapter to go. :( 

i hope you liked this chapter. 

i cant wait the write the final one but its going to be so sad. oh well. 

thanks for reading. 


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