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It was the year 8764.

8764 was when everything started. The new system was finally up and running, the promises the Government made were finally fulfilled. They had promised to deliver many things that their people desired; more effective medication, a more effective way to travel, more enhanced and cost efficient technology. Because the people wanted the Government to give them more of everything.

In 8764, the world got so technologically advanced that humans' genetics were modified in such a way that every action they performed was more agile, graceful, swift, fast. They themselves were more effective. But there was one promise the Government have yet to fulfill at that point in time.

To eradicate all unhappiness of the world.

The Government claimed it was impossible, that humans being humans, will eventually have their sad moments in life. And this angered the people they were governing. They were promised the life filled with joy and laughter, without having to shed a single tear of sadness, or feel embarrassment, shame, or any other negative emotions. They started going against the Government when It refused. They rebelled and comitted high crimes. And because of the human's modified genetics, they got away with the manipulation very easily. Shortly after, the Government finally responded to all the commotion that was happening. They announced on live television that they made a breakthrough in Science that could change the concept of feelings forever.

  That day, they introduced the Joy Pill.

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