[ 1 ] 2013

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[ 1 ] 2013

"Harley, I really hope you like your new room. Its got a beautiful balcony with glass doors and a large closet for all your clothes and its much bigger than your room at our old house...Harley! Harley Lizbeth Quinn I'm talking to you!"

Pulling the ear buds out of her ears and turning down the music on her phone, she finally paid attention to her mother who was in the front passenger seat babbling on about how great their new house was, while quite honestly, Harley could care less. She never wanted to leave Perth, it was the place she was born and where she grew up. But her father, Aaron Quinn, had gotten transferred to the agency's main offices in Sydney and the family had to move there to be with him. Her mother, Harleen Quinn, was a typical housewife with a happy-go-lucky attitude who always wore a smile on her face.

Her attitude was the exact opposite of her daughter Harley.

Harley rolled her eyes in annoyance, "Yes, Harleen." She often called her mother by her first name to annoy her. "I'm sure I'll like it."

She just wanted to get back to listening to music. In fact, she wanted to get back on the plane and return to Perth with her friends. In truth, she only had one real friend, but that was enough for her. 

"You know you're not supposed to call me Harleen. I am 'mum' to you. Or 'mumsy'." Mrs. Harleen Quinn scolded her rebellious sixteen year old daughter. Then she almost instantly continued going on about the new house with her ever same positive attitude. "And we'll actually have a large backyard for Billy to practice his football skills." Her mother added with excitement.

Billy scoffed in amusement, "You actually think Harley is gonna be happy about something? There will be a cold day in Hell before that girl smiles."

"Ugh, shut up, Billy." Harley punched her brother's shoulder harshly, making him wince in pain.

Billy Quinn was Harley's older brother, who was only older than her by eleven months and was in the same grade level as her at school, since they had been born in the same year. Billy was born in January 1996 and Harley was a Christmas baby, born in December 1996. Billy was like both their parents, always happy, always smiling, the perfect people in town with their blonde hair, blue eyes, and perfect smiles. Which was why Harley never felt like she fit in with her own family: the Quinns. Harley was blonde, but she hated being blonde, which was the reason she had dyed her hair an electric blue color. She had the same shade of blue eyes as her mother, but there wasn't much she could do about that. And she was definitely not always smiling, positive, and happy. It wasn't that she was miserable either. She just didn't see life through pink lenses like her family did.

As they drove down their new neighborhood towards their new house, Harley looked out the window at the scenery before her. A normal urban neighborhood with upper middle class houses, more leaning on being the rich side of town.

She wasn't impressed in the slightest.

To her, it looked like any other neighborhood in Sydney. Only there were a bunch of rich and snobby people everywhere.

The people all looked educated and picturesque, like something one would find on a picture of everyday life. There were pretty women out for a jog with bodies that seemed all but natural, couples walking their expensive breed of a dog down the street, and children playing together in the front yards of other houses.

Harley felt sick seeing them all so happy.

She always kept to herself and stayed at home rather than spending her time out of school going out with friends or at some sort of sports practice like her brother Billy did.

Man in the Mirror || irwin (DOING SOME MAJOR EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now