[ 11 ] 2013

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[ 11 ] 2013

"I would leave this house if I had the chance. But unfortunately for the two of us, my soul is bound to the stupid mirror."


Harley took a look at the group of girls. There were maybe fifteen of them on one side of the field, making conversation with everyone. And then there was a group of smaller girls, a group of five, Harley immediately knew they were starting freshmen.

Since they were on the same boat as her, she walked over to greet them. 

"Hey," She started.

But before she could say more, Rin linked arms with her and pulled her towards the other crowd of girls, saying, "You don't need to try out, silly. You're in."

"But that's not fair to the rest of the team." Harley protested.

"As co-captain of this squad, I have the authority to do anything I want. Besides, we all agree that we want you in." She gushed with excitement.

Harley narrowed her eyes curiously at her. "Why?"

"Everyone wants the school's next queen on their team, and we're the ones who get to say she's one of us." Rin explained.

"No," Harley shook her head. "I think you made a mistake."

"Its no mistake."

"Introduce us, Rin!" One of the other cheerleaders called out. She was a beautiful girl with long brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and sun kissed skin. 

Rin scoffed, "Hold on, Grace!" Turning to Harley with a smile, she began, "Well, I guess I should introduce you. The girls are; Riley, Cristelle, Victoria, Paige, Grace, Brooke, Hanna, Kenzie, Sam, Sara, Jenny, Precious, Kelli, Becca, Sarah and Tatum. The newbies are Claire, Phoebe, Ana, Gabby, and Rebecca, but she'll have to go by Bex cause we already have a Rebecca."

"That's a lot of names." Harley commented.

"Yeah," Rin nodded, "But you'll learn them soon, I'm sure. So...can you tumble?"

"Can I what?"





After cheer practice, Harley was relieved that Calum actually arrived to pick her up.

She never thought that what they did could take so much energy and effort. Her legs and arms ached, and she knew she might have a few bruises forming. It was the most physical effort she had produced in her entire life.

Her feet dragging across the pavement of the parking lot, she saw him standing there, arms crossed over his chest. On his face was that ever present smirk.

"Tough practice?" He asked her.

"Shut up." She snarled, tossing her school bag at him. He caught it easily and threw it in the back seat after opening the passenger side door for her. Once he got in the car, she asked him, "Shouldn't you be on a team too?"

He nodded, "I'm on the soccer team. But I haven't been able to attend practice because someone got me in trouble."

"Well you haven't missed much. All the soccer boys did today was run some laps, the perverts even slowed down as they approached our practice area when we were doing stunts." Harley commented, remembering how awkward she felt when her P. E. skirt moved in the wind while a bunch of sex crazed teenage boys stared at her.

Man in the Mirror || irwin (DOING SOME MAJOR EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now