Chapter six : Let's dance

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Ali's pov

A few days later we had arrived in America and let me tell you, I have never felt so free. It was so busy and colorful felt wrong. Everything was so different.

Peggy had been looking after me for the time being while I got accustomed to this new life. That night we were going out to a bar to celebrate and Peggy had taken me out shopping for some clothes, which, by the way was by far the most complicated thing I have ever done. I mean hand-to-hand combat was easier than that ordeal. Hours were spent rifling through isles of dresses, trousers shirts and shoes. Eventually I did find some items that I liked.

The dress was black with a floral design. Peggy said it makes my eyes stand out...whatever that means. And don't even get me started on the shoes.

"You'll get used to them. Just walk about for a few hours in then!" Peggy suggested as she sipped at her tea.

"I can barely walk around in them for a few a few minutes, let alone a few hours!" I huffed as I sat down. I tapped the tips of them together admiring the emerald green fabric. Peggy went off to get herself ready while I hobbled into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea...which I now knew was my favourite drink in the whole world. I drank so many cups since we arrived in America. Peggy said they usually drink more coffee here but I didn't really find the smell all too appealing.

After some time we were both ready and we headed to the bar to meet with our group. I have to admit...I was nervous about going in there. I don't really know how to be a lady. Assassin...yes.

Peggy headed in the door first holding it open for me. I was hit with the smell of alcohol and cigar smoke. I saw one or two women conversing with a few of the soldiers. They must be flirting. The girls seemed to giggle at every word the soldiers said. Peggy had explained a few things to me. About the real world. It seems so strange.

I heard Steve and Bucky talking before I saw them. As Peggy walked straight around the corner to them. I paused adjusting my dress and checking myself on a small mirror to the right of me. My hair was half up half down courtesy of Peggy. She had even done some light makeup on me. It felt horrible but I had to admit it covered the bags under my eyes well.

"Ali? You coming?" Peggy waved me toward her and walked back around the corner looking at me expectantly. Here goes nothing.

Third person p.o.v.

Bucky rolled his eyes as Peggy completely ignored him. It was clear her and Steve were smitten with each other. He knew he should give up trying. He was happy his friend had found someone special. But it still left him feeling sour.

"I don't believe it. I..I'm turning into you." He said looking shocked at Steve. Steve grinned shrugging his shoulders at his friend. He chuckled a little at the statement.

'Bucky your not invisible to everyone.' Steve thought as Ali trotted round the corner in her little green shoes and a pretty black dress. Steve smirked at Bucky knowing full well he'd never be able to take his eyes of her. He slapped his friends arm drawing Bucky's attention to her.

"Ali!" Bucky exclaimed standing up a little straighter. His eyes graced over her attire shocked at the beauty of the girl in front of him.

"I know...I look really strange. It was Peggy's idea." Ali said huffing as she sat down.

"Trust me, you don't look strange." Steve said sitting a chair away from her leaving space for Bucky.

"You look beautiful." Bucky said catching her attention. Her shocked eyes shot to his cool blue ones. No one had ever said that to her. Her? Beautiful? How? She'd been called a monster for god knows how long, and with one word Bucky had managed to fix her soul.

"Thank you." Ali whispered blushing furiously.

"Ali...I have something for you. " Steve said setting a file down in front of her. The words 'Project A' printed on the front.

"What's this?" She said dreading the answer.

"It's your file. Don't worry I didn't read anything I just saw your picture in the cover." Ali's mood snapped to grief, anger...aggression. It rose like a wave from her stomach. Her eyes changed to familiar gold as they ran over the dry ink from the dreaded letters that read

'Aliferous... to be Tereminated.'

"Ali! Stop...! Your eyes!" Bucky whispered to her. She looked up quickly changing her glowing eyes.

"Sorry...I think i'll read this later." She mumble whiping her tear covered cheeks she didn't want the read about her murderous past just yet.

"Of course...Lets get drinks." Steve said walkng to the barman. Ali's mind continued to race as she held her head in her hands on the bar top.

"You alright?" Bucky said whiping her cheek with his thumb as she nodded a yes to him.

'How could this be. This file contain every bit of information about me. I'm scared to read it.' She thought to herself.

"Come on...lets go dance." Bucky said smiling as her pulled her to her feet. She held fear within her bright eyes.

 She held fear within her bright eyes

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"Wait!...I don't know how..." She said feeling conflicted in her jumbled mind. Bucky only chuckled at as he gently pulled her towards the dance floor where many other couple swayed to the music.

"There's only one rule when it comes to dancing." He said place her right hand in his left and her left hand on his shoulder. His other hand he gently place on the small of her back. Ali blushed at the limited space between them and you all know how difficult a blush is to hide

"There are no rules." He said as he moved her to sway along to the music. She spent most of the time starring at her feet and Bucky's trying to mimic them. That is until Bucky hooked a finger under her chin and guided her to look at him.

"You're doing fine."

Ali took a deep breath and tried to relax. She felt so awkward trying to dance with Bucky.

"See it's not so bad." He smiled at her with a twinkle in his eye.

Eventually, Ali got the hang of it and was able to follow Bucky's steps. She laughed at how comical the idea of her dancing was. She was an ex-assassin after all. She could kill a man in 2 minutes flat, and now she's slow dancing with a boy she met not long ago. If that's not strange I don't know what is. Bucky twirled her around and made her forget, for a moment, that there was anyone else in the room.

"See you can dance." He said to her with biggest grin on his face. Their eyes connected for a second. There was something about those eyes that made Bucky's heart leap.

"Only just." Ali dropped her arms as the tune stop. Everybody clapped to the band. Lyra looked around amazing by the vibrancy of life, how happy you can really be.

A/N Yo yo yo how are you all, here's the next instalment, hope you liked it xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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