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Louis' POV:

"Louis!" I'm greeted by two flashes of blonde, and two skinny bodies wrap themselves around me. I feel sticky with sweat and dirt, and the twins are certainly not helping.

"Please get off of me, girls." I chuckle, but I run my fingers through their hair in greeting. Phoebe and Daisy pout, but nonetheless release me.

"Oh hey Lou, do you mind helping me with dinner?" mother greets me, a smile on her lips. Once she scans me, that smile drops quickly enough. "Nevermind, you go get a shower."

"Of course," I grin, but I open my arms to pretend that I'm going to embrace her. "but first, I really want to give my dear mother a hug."

"You touch me, and I'll cut you." my mother states so very seriously, causing all of us to erupt in laughter. I bask in it, because once my father gets here the laughter will cease.

"I'll be down in a few." I grin, hurrying up stairs. Only then do I remember I left all my things downstairs, so I quickly go get my stuff before repeating the process.

Humming a random tune, I walk into my room with an uneasy feeling. It's so sudden, but one look in my room tells me someone has been in here. I know it wasn't my mother or the girls, they tell me they can't stand my 'boyish scent'. It must have been my father, and I let out a large huff of frustration. He has no reason to be in here, and he certainly won't find anything.

I drop my things and head to my dresser, looking to see some of the clothes misplaced. I have them color-coded, and that's obviously not the case anymore. I grab a random t-shirt, before bending down and grabbing a pair of black sweats. I find a pair of briefs, and take them along with me.

I'm so glad I have my own bathroom, I wouldn't be able to survive otherwise. I shut the door behind me, locking it. This is my alone time, I'm savoring it for as long as I can. We have hardly any privacy here.

I take off my sweaty clothing, groaning in relief. The clothes are covered in sweat, dirt, and maybe just a tiny bit of desperation. Chuckling to myself, I turn the knobs on the shower. I step in after a few minutes, my body almost immediately relaxing under the warm water.

As I begin to wash my hair, I reflect on my day. I had to switch out Home Ec, to Drama- which father will be none to please. He considers boys who are in Drama 'homosexuals', which is just a large stereotype that needs to be taken down. I'm not gay, and I absolutely adore it. That's what I'm going to Uni for, a teaching degree in drama and english.

I yawn as I wash the soap out of my hair, Coach Mike really worked us today. I have major respect for him though, he does what's best for the team and makes us better men. My muscles ache, and all I really want is to flop down on my bed and take a nap. Sadly, I have homework and dinner.

I grab the conditioner, running it through my hair softly. I wince when my fingers catch a knot or two, trying to push through the ache.

"Thank you." mother breathes as I move past her, plates in my hands.

"No problem, honestly." I hum, heading to the dining room. I look out the window to see Phoebe and Daisy dancing around, laughing in such a carefree way. I place the plates on each of the mats, skipping around to make it a little more fun.

"So what did you do today?" mother asks as she lays the bowl of green beans on the table.

"Today was actually quite boring, school wise. We had that Literature test, which I'm pretty confident about. In math we watched a video."

"Drama?" my mother questions as I head back into the kitchen.

"Oh, Mr. Gallagher wasn't here today so pretty much nothing." I sigh, it was incredibly odd not having the flamboyant male around today.

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