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Louis' POV:

"Louis!" I turn around in a daze to see Liam rushing toward me, and he grips my hips to throw me up. The crowd cheers behind me as my teammates howl in excitement, and relief.

"We won?!" I mutter in disbelief, because I was the one to kick the final goal.

"You got us the first game Lou!" Liam sets me to my feet, his grin almost infectious.

"I only kicked a goal, you guys did it all." I'm a panting mess, feeling hands pat at my back as sweat trickles down my body.

"Aye, Cici's afterwards?!" one of my teammates, Spencer, yells out and the whole team yells in agreement. I'm free to do anything tonight, as it's game night.

As the team slowly disperses back to the shower, and the adrenaline wears off, I make my way off the field. I rake my eyes across the bleachers, only to see one dark figure standing there. Oh, I grin, he actually came.

"My game is in a few days." I mutter, sitting crosslegged in front of Harry. I had just gotten of the phone with my father, telling him I was with a 'study group'.

"I'm aware." Harry peers up at me, a pencil in his hand.

"You should come." I look back down at my homework, biting my lip.

"Games really aren't my thing."

"You play games with me all of the time, Harold. I find that a bit hard to believe."

"Touché prince, touché." Harry grins slyly up at me, his tongue darting over his bottom lip.

"So you should."


I wave ecstatically, my heart beating in surprise. I really didn't think he'd show up. Ignoring my muscles protest, I run toward the bleachers. Harry steps down them slowly, hands in his pockets.

"You showed up."

"I didn't have anything better to do, prince." Harry gazes down at me, his face practically unreadable. "Hurry up and get your shower."

"Wait- why?" I ask, stepping back in surprise. What is he planning?

"I'm taking you somewhere."

"Harry, the team made plans, and as the captain..." I trail off, lowering my gaze down to the ground.

"Fine." Harry's voice is off, and somewhat cold.

"Harry." I look up at him, only to see him turn around, eyes narrowed. What did I do? "Are you um, not used to people saying no to your plans?"

"I really don't make plans with people."

"Why not?" I ask, and Harry sighs before shaking his head.

"Because people fucking hate me." He's lying?

"Oh." I frown, before looking up at him once more. "Well I don't hate you." Harry snorts without humor, looking at the field behind me.

"Of course you don't."

"Harry, don't do this. I really don't." I sigh, making my way to the stairs of the bleachers. I skip up the stairs, watching Harry, who's still looking at the field. "What?"

"You've been drinking?" I ask, the scent of liquor hanging around him. Harry glances at me with the upmost boredom, and I roll my eyes at him. "Now you're just acting like a child, Harry."

"Why wouldn't you come with me?" Harry asks suddenly, running his spindly fingers through his mess of sweaty curls.


"You said the team had plans-"

"Because Harry, I can't be seen with you-"

"You've been seen with me more than once, so quite lying." Harry snaps, the alcohol clearly controlling him. He's sluggish, harsh, nothing what he truly is as a human.

"Harry, I have other friends then you!" I say, exasperated. What has brought this on?

"They aren't friends, dammit. They're all fucking fake-"

"And you aren't?!" I yell, bristling with anger. "You say you're such a bad boy but-" all of the sudden Harry lunges toward me, trapping me between him and the fence of the bleachers. My hands fly to his chest, struggling to push him away, feeling his warmth and the muscles rippling beneath my touch. My eyes meet Harry's, who's are dark yet full of wonder.

"Don't test me, Louis." Harry whispers in my ear, his voice low and cold. "You don't know half the shit I've been through." Harry's breath his hot against my cheek, alcohol and nicotine staining his breath.

"You're right, I don't know. That still doesn't give you any right to crowd me like this." I snap, my fists still clenching his shirt. My skin is crawling, and I feel so very uneasy.

"I'm not crowding you."

"Shut up, Harry."

"You don't make any sense."

"Neither do you."

"Why?" Harry asks after a few moments, his voice faint, desperate.

"Why what?" I snap, beyond annoyed.

"Why are you so frustrating? Why do you test my patience, why do you-"

"Because, unfortunately, I'm not afraid of you, Harry." I say, my eyes locking with his.

"No one argues with me like this."

"Well, get used to it." The sarcasm rolls of my tongue before I can realize, but Harry chuckles almost warmly.

"You're sticking around?"

"You're my English partner, aren't you?" I tease, but I can feel Harry tense under my hands. "Kidding, kidding." Harry shakes his head, a soft yet confusing smile on his lips. "What?"

"Nothing prince." Harry laughs, reaching up and ruffling my hair. "Say, what happened to going out with your friends?" Harry smirks down at me, and I gasp before struggling away from him.

"Harry, they probably already left.. let me go!" I push at his chest, feeling Harry's chest rumble with his laugh. "Harry Styles!" Harry then pulls away, and I immediately try to run only to feel Harry wrap a hand around my wrist. I turn back only to feel hands at my hips, and soon the bleachers beneath me are gone. Harry throws me over his shoulder, his hand directly over my bum. I squirm uncomfortably, he shouldn't be touching me so intimately.

Harry only cackles as he practically skips down the stairs, and I'm only faced with his back and the grass below.

"We'll go get your stuff, and then I'll take you somewhere."

"You planned this didn't you?" I pound at his back, silently begging him to let me go. It's no use to speak verbally, it would only antagonize him more.

"No." Harry says, his voice slow and languid. I can't tell if he's sobered up any, but it's extremely likely.

"Where are we going then?"

"Neverland." Harry giggles, and I roll my eyes at the doofus who's carrying me.

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