3 weeks later

50 4 4

"He's shown great improvement, so we've decided to discharge him early but he has to attend mandatory therapy sessions here every week." The doctor smiled opening Silas's room.

"That's wonderful," Dahlia smiled

Silas smiled pulling on his jacket and hugging his mom, he had missed her. They walked out arm and arm, telling him about the video that his little at the school had made for him, and all the cards and gifts that waited on his room for him. When they got to the parking lot and Sofia saw him from her waiting position in the car the for was flung open and she ran crashing into him, their lips colliding.

"Silas, don't ever do that to me." She cried kissing every inch of his face.

He hugged her tighter kissing her. "I promise I won't."


Next day-

"Come on Silas, everyone's waiting in the car we got quite a drive til we get to long beach. "

"Mom, Aubrey's almost here."

Just then Carmen's 'bus' like minivan pulls up a smiling Aubrey leaning out the back window waving at him.

"What up muddafudka!" She screamed. They parked Carmen and her climbing out.

"Look at you guys rocking those bikinis!" James laughed loudly giving Carmen's ass a squeeze before pressing a kiss to her hair and walking to talk to Dahlia who was packing her suburban.

Silas smiled opening him arms letting Aubrey run to him jumping in His arms. He laughed hugging her back tightly letting the familiar smell of watermelon shampoo and cigs waft through his system.

"Oh let's never argue like That again." She breathed pressing a kiss to his forehead riffling his hair "okay baby bro?"

He nodded setting her back down.

"Let's get rolling everybody we only have this sun for so long."


The sun warmed their skin, the cold waters causing shrieks and laughs to fill the air of the beach cabin of long island.  Aubrey smiled from the lounge chair next to Dahlia who cradled and cooed Carmen's 8month old Krissy.

"You know aubrey, you can come over whenever, stay whenever you're welcome." Dahlia started to tear up "I always wanted a daughter and you and Silas act just like siblings."

"Thanks......ma." Aubrey smiled, causing Dahlia to smile.


They all sat around the fire James has started. Silas looked around at everyone that was there from him, one person missing though. Silas shook the thought of zander out his mind, focusing on the main people of his family, the once surrounding him. He caught Garrett standing on the porch of the cabin a beer in his hand.

Silas got up approaching Garrett, Garrett sent him a smile before taking a sip of his drink.

"Hey, looking for Aubrey?" Garrett asked.

"No but now that you mention it where is she?"

"Inside having some heated kitchen sex with Richie 'big dick' Johnson." garrett laughed "I was appointed guard to make sure one of the kids don't walk in and get scared."

silas laughed running a hand through his hair. Garrett smiled before whispering

"You're gonna be a godfather."

"What" silas asked shocked

"Lani's got a bun in the oven." Garrett smiled wider

"Shit man confrats! I'm so happ-"

"Fuck! I see why they call you big dick Richie." They heard come from inside the cabin.

Laughing they parted ways and Silas rejoined Sofia. Everything was going alright for once in his life.

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