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"Fuck Garrett, I can't I need to stop." Silas huffed his arms giving way letting him collapse on the ground.

"Its not that bad give me 15 more."

Silas whimper pushing himself back up glancing at Garrett who was at a weight bench lifting. He muttered something under his breath before he started doing pushups again. His arms shook slightly and burned. His hair was stuck to his forehead wet with sweat. He was pissed with Garrett, he was tired and just wanted food and a hot shower but Garrett just kept pushing him.

He finished his set standing, wobbling slightly from the ache in his thighs and calf's.

"Go shower, and next time dont be a little bitch about this, you are fit you just don't know how for you really are, a normal person wouldn't be standing after what I put you through." Garret smirked wiping his forehead with his shirt.

"Oh fuck you." Silas laughed walking into the locker room stepping into one of the shower stalls.


"Oh, Sí Abuela. Thank you!" Silas smiled as Felicia dishes him a helping of food.

He happily took the plate sitting at the bar and starting to eat, he was starving, the work out Garrett had him on had him eating more then he usually did. Fel smiled as she spoke on the phone in Spanish to a social worker.

"We're trying to become foster parents." Samuel explained killing Silas's curiosity.  He nodded shoveling food into his mouth. Garrett came in Lelani with him.

"Mom, we want to tell you something." Garrett smiled at Lani widely.

"Si?" She said setting the phone done.

"We're having a baby!" Lani screamed with joy.

Fel screamed running over and hugging them, Sam had jumped up to hugging them.  Silas smiled setting the plate down getting up and making his way out.


He stood on the bridge smiling a bit lighting the cig that lied between his lips. He watched a person sitting on the rail of the bridge.

"Hey, what on your mind kid?" He asked 

The person turned looking at him.
"Nothing, just tired."

"I know what tired means." Silas said approaching him.

"I've been tired twice now."

"You dont understand, "

"Make me."

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