you are, not me

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a/n: forgive me father for I have sinneddddddd

Though Tyler read the bible and attended church without protest, he was still no expert on religion. That's why he couldn't decide on wether Joshua Dun was somehow betraying God or not.

He didn't know Josh well, but he stuck out like a rose amongst daisies in Tyler's eyes. For one, he had dyed hair and piercings: something the girls of the church hadn't even attempted. He wore a button down, but always dressed with punky combat boots in addition. He participated appropriately, was polite and kind, but something about his edgy vibe irked Tyler and made him question his faith.

Josh couldn't claim to be a religious expert either. But he was sure the bible listed homosexuality and such as a sin, and so he worried over Tyler Joseph, a fellow church member. He didn't know Tyler well, but every time church started he could find Tyler's eyes trained on him. At first he assumed it was because of his appearance, but after time passed and Tyler still stared, he got a suspicion that Tyler had some potentially innapropriate feelings towards him.

Still he gave Tyler the benefit of the doubt, until one day during service it all turned south. As Josh entered the washroom of the church, he found none other than Tyler Joseph washing his hands.

Josh gave a polited nod and recieved a nervous look from Tyler, who asked a second later, "Hey, uh, could I ask you a question?"

Josh blushed, suspecting the inquiry. "Um, look, I don't swing that way, so..."

"Wait, what?" Tyler stammered, furrowing his brows in a too cute way. Realization wiped that look quickly off his face and he angrily replied, "Wait, you think I'm gay or something?"

Josh crossed his arms. "Well, you stare at me at every single service. I thought you had a crush on me."

Tyler turned red. "No! No, I'm not gay! And I don't stare at you! At all!"

"Sure," Josh said slowly, turning away.

"I really don't! I'm not gay. In fact, you're probably gay with all those piercings and stuff."

Josh spun around and narrowed his eyes. "Excuse you? What did you just say?"

Tyler started cowering, stepping back slightly. "S'nothing."

Josh was moving forward quickly, until only a small space remained between them. Tyler had a slight height advantage, but Josh was clearly more agressive.

"Care to repeat yourself?"

Biting his lip and playing with his fingers, Tyler said, "You just look gay is all. I mean, what kinda guy wears all that junk?"

Josh stared Tyler in the eyes intensely.

"The kind of guy who would do this."

And then he kissed him, only it wasn't a nice kiss. Movies portray kisses as gentle and soft and sugary sweet. This was rough and dominant and agressive and from a guy, which confused Tyler because he knew he should not be feeling so aroused at it. Without even thinking, he kissed back, only to have Josh pull away and laugh.

"Ha! You kissed back. Looks like you are gay," Josh chuckled, raising a brow.

Tyler turned his hands to fists, using one to scour at his lips, even though he like the watermelon taste left behind.

"Nuh uh! I was trying to push you off me."

"Sure," said Josh again, unconvinced.

"Only a real gay guy would kiss a dude in the first place anyways," Tyler challenged, licking his lips.

Josh smirked.

"And only a real gay guy would enjoy it, so congrats there."

"I hated it. It's gross," Tyler protested.

"Really?" Josh said lowly, inching closer.

Then it happened again: with their lips crashing and bodies shifting. Tyler was pressed against the sink's counter, Josh flat against him comfortably. He wanted to prove he wasn't in any way gay, provide evidence by pushing Josh off with genuine disgust. But any hope of hating this all was shattered when Josh drew his tongue over Tyler's bottom lip and Tyler melted into him. Weakly, Tyler fought with his tongue for power. But after a few moments, he gave in and let Josh devour him. Josh's hand started moving over Tyler's shirt to his waist, expertly unfastening his belt loop.

Tyler pulled away momentarily, gasping and choking out, "Someone could walk in!"

"Afraid of being caught sinning?" Josh hummed, pulling down Tyler's pants and underwear. Tyler didn't have a chance to respond before he was being lifted and hoisted onto the counter. He watched the door anxiously, failing to note that Josh had pulled down his own pants and was now lowering his mouth to Tyler's--

"Gagh!" Tyler yelped when Josh's tongue met his rectum. "What're you doing?"

"Prepping my gay baby boy," he quipped.

"I-I'm not-t-t ohh g-gay!" Tyler cried as Josh continued. He swear he could feel Josh smirk.

Tyler tried to focus on watching the door, but Josh's tongue was making his vision blur in the most heavenly of ways.

There was moment where Josh stopped, and Tyler turned just as Josh entered him, groaning quietly. Tyler squeaked and gripped the counter, feeling a dull throb form. After a moment Josh started to thrust, retracting and entering in rapid succession. Any traces of pain left as Tyler let out a loud moan, prompting Josh to slap a hand over his mouth. Tyler gave an angered look and Josh merely gave a condescending smile.

"Don't want people to hear us in the house of the Lord, baby boy," he murmured. Tyler detested the way he was being treated, but also liked it in an awful way. Josh continued and Tyler felt a mountain of hot sensations build in his gut, waiting to burst. At some point Josh shifted slightly and hit a mark in Tyler that had the most euphoric feeling attached to it. If not for Josh's hand, he would have moaned loud enough for some attention to be drawn.

Josh's movements started to stutter and he eventually halted, filling Tyler with warmth. He moved back, sighing and hastily buckling his pants.

Tyler, who still had yet to cum despite the experience, gave a choked cry and whined, "Wait, I didn't, you know..."

Josh looked up and shrugged, snapping his pant buckle in place.

"So? That's your problem. I'm not gay or anything so I can't help."

Then he left, purposefully making the swinging bathroom door open as wide as possible in his exit.

Tyler felt pure rage. He couldn't believe what just happened as he jumped off the counter and waddled to a stall with his pants down. He tried to clean himself up well, but he was still fucking hard. And with his tight khakis, no one would miss his problem.

Tyler waited for a few long minutes in the stall, convinced Josh had to come back. Outside he heard the chatter rise, signaling the end of the service. Frustrated, Tyler tried his best to conceal his issue and leave inconspicuously.

Tyler spotted Josh in the exiting crowd, who looked back. Josh winked and turned away, leaving.

Tyler wasn't an expert in religion, but by the end of that day, he was convinced the devil was none other than Joshua Dun.

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