kinda like it when you make me cry

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The week days dragged on to Tyler's dismay. Monday began with shame, countless prayers asking for forgiveness. Tuesday featured him scrawling Josh's face in a notebook (before scribbling it out because he's totally not gay). Wednesday Tyler started to get horny. Thursday he remained horny. Friday he gave in and jerked off (not to the image of Josh or anything). Saturday he fantasized about Sunday.

Then Sunday came.

His fingers never danced faster than when he popped the buttons up for his shirt. He reached for his pants and then paused, remembering Josh had said to wear no panties.

"Tyler! Hurry!" his mother hollered downstairs.

Tyler shrugged off Josh's requested and pulled his pants over his underwear unapologetically.

The church was just as crowded as before, and still Josh, ocean waves crashing down on his head, was seen by Tyler immediately.

"Imma go use the restroom," he told his mother. "Be back in a bit."

She gave a suspicious glare, pursing her lips with dissaproval and doubt. "Okay," she finally agreed, nodding slowly.

Tyler entered the washroom and waited patiently, picking his nails. He heard the commotion outside silence as the service had started. Tyler nervously adjusted his collar. Josh had to be coming soon. There's no way he wouldn't be.

Fifteen minutes later he still waited, tapping his foot and angrily starting a mental list of all the reasons why he hated Joshua William Dun.

And speaking of the devil, he finally arrived.

"Good to see my baby boy," he commented, sauntering in. "Waiting for me like a good little slut."

Tyler blushed. "Shut up."

"Where's your girlfriend?" Josh asked, crossing his arms.

"I dunno. Somewhere. Why do you care?" Tyler hissed.

"Just seems to me that if you're so straight you should be getting off with her instead of waiting for me," Josh commented. He leaned forward, pressing Tyler up against the wall and whispered, "Unless you're not so straight, baby boy."

Tyler shivered. "Oh, and you are?"

"Of course." He started to lead Tyler in the nearest stall. "I'm just doing the Lord a favor by guiding you."

Tyler scowled, but Josh just pushed him into position, just like last time. His fingers hastily unbuttoned and pulled down Tyler's khakis. Josh tsked when he saw the underwear.

"Did you forget my orders, baby boy?" Josh asked, rubbing his hands along the fabric. "Or were you just trying to be naughty?"

"I don't take orders from you," Tyler said defiantly.

Josh hooked his fingers in the material and brought it down. "You don't, hmm? We'll see about that."

Then Josh pushed his palm against Tyler's back and flattened him so his ass stuck out highly.

"Naughty boys need to be punished," Josh said. "Say 'thank you sir' after every spank. You do well, and I'll reward you, possibly. Don't and..." Josh's eyes darkened. "You'll find out."

"S-spanking?" Tyler said, genuinely worried.

"Naughty boys need to be punished," Josh repeated, immediately delivering an unexpected blow to Tyler's ass.

Tyler yelped and jerked his hips forward instinctively. A stinging sensation started tremors throughout Tyler, ultimately making his cock twitch. He felt so embarrassed, being degraded and liking it.

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