Chapter 1: Govcrow

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So this here is my first story that I will post so go easy on me. Don't be afraid to give comments just so long as you are not being obnoxious or rude to any other readers. With out furt ado, here is the story.

James sat in the cargo bay of the S-40 Dreadhawk spacecraft, hunched over with his head down on the far side away from the others soldiers. His black trench coat was on his person, The coat has nearly indestructible metal plates in between the leather around the chest, waist, and arms that can form blades that extends past his fist. It has a red dragon head on the back, underneath the dragon it says “Deacause” in red words. He fixed his gauntlets that has claws and a skull on the back of his hand. He wore a belt with a vicious looking silver belt buckle, knives, and pouches. His metal leg guards which in the groves of it glowed dull white while the metal had dragon scale patterns. He wore graves that came up to his knees that had a dragon pattern with claws curving around the toe of his boot. The one next to him was his partner and second in command, Andrea. She has white hair that was done in ponytail and her bangs brushed to the left. She was very beautiful with her green eyes and petite slim figure except for in the places that counted which were quite noticeable. Her gun blade, which was a sword that could fold into a gun sat in the holster on her hip. This idea of folding weapons helped pave the way for newer weapons and armor for the troops. She wore her normal military fatigues with a computer headset that has a green screen in front of her left eye, a mobile head meant for communications and data assessment.

James’s sword Sai’Koon sat on his back within its sheath. The sword has a four foot long black blade with dragon wing like guard and a winged skull pommel, the blade had runes on it that was written in the art of war. It sat within a sheath on his back in all its glory. The sword is able to change into other weapons and even create a second copy of itself for duel wielding. It was his Evil Blade and his most trusted weapon. James sat there in the midst of his thoughts when he heard someone yell, “three minutes until touch down!” He stood up and and grabbed his weapons, long knife Black Eagle, and his demonic and angelic pistols, Harmony and Death, and equipped them. He then faced the troops and that gave him their attention. “ALRIGHT, listen up Troopers! You know why you're here. We’re here to fight the damn assholes here who has been enslaving their people, raping, etc. This is a global take over so this is gonna be a fun couple of days here. Let’s do what we’re meant to do, Andrea, give us our mission please.”

Andre stood up with a tablet in her hand and stood next to James. “Our mission is to capture or kill the leader of Govcrow, but first we have to get there. This leader is not expecting us and best of all he’s the world leader so quick capture means quick end. We’re being dropped off far from the city. Ten miles to be precise. The reason being is that they have powerful anti-air cannons that do not miss. Our first objective is to take these cannons down so the others can land and the invasion can land.”

“Sir, why ten miles?” asked a veteran soldier.

“That was the range that we estimated through a global scan of the world. This place is extremely hostile, be careful and mind your surroundings. Everything here will bite, stab, and prod you.”

“ONE MINUTE!” The announcer shouted. Gunfire and explosions came from outside the landingcraft that shook the ship violently. Andrea stumbled back into her seat while James still stood unfazed by the shaking. He looked at the frighten rookies, it was just his luck to get stuck with mostly rooks. At least he still had his veterans to help out with keeping them alive, that was all he cared about. He hoped for the best as the anti-air rounds grew distant and gunfire grew louder. He zipped up his black trench coat that doubled as his armor and adjusted his clawed gauntlets.

“GOOD LUCK TROOPERS!” shouted the announcer. The doors opened slowly opened and the marines started to prepare themselves. They all started hopping into the all terrain three-man vehicles called F-20 Cougar except for James who walked out of the Dreadhawk. They had landed in a desert of some sort with a bunch of heavy MG nests that started firing at them with no room to breath. Bullets whizzed past his head but he walked on unfazed as his troops rushed out of the four Dreadhawks. Some were shot as they exit, some made it to cover with a adrenaline rush of a lifetime. He smiled and breathed in the smell of gunpowder and fresh blood, it felt good to be back on the battlefield. Cougar’s started roaring out of the Dreadhawks and onto the battlefield.

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