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Pete's POV

It'll be fine, maybe if I just keep going on with the date and trying to impress Patrick he'll like me. It's obviously a joke that he asked me out because all his friends were laughing but spending a night with one of the hottest guys in school is worth it. My hands are literally shaking like they've gotten an electric shock but Patrick's holding my hand and there's no way I'm going to stuff that up.

Even if it's a joke, the idea of spending the entire night with my crush is just too good. It'll make me even more of a loser at school if people find out I have a huge crush on this straight popular guy but maybe it'll be worth it. Just one night where I can feel normal and have fun and feel like I might actually be worth Patrick's attention.

Patrick hasn't talked for the last few minutes and I've barely talked all night out of fear of saying something wrong so we walk along under the trees in silence.

"Patrick?" "Mhm" "Are you ok?" "Yeah I'm perfect, what do you think?" "You were quiet so I thought something was wrong, that's good though, you're perfect" "Oh you think I'm perfect do you?" "You said you were" "But do you think I'm perfect?" "Everyone does, you are perfect"

His blue eyes lock with mine and his hands settle on my waist, making me loose my breath "What time do you have to go home?" "My parents are just happy I'm being social, they'll let me stay out all night" "Mine are out of town and my cousins looking after me so I can stay as long as I want too" "Oh ok" "Can you stay the night?" "Won't we get tired?" "At my house I mean" "Oh, yeah I can do that if you want me to, won't your babysitter be there?" "She's not a babysitter, she'll be there but she's doesn't care" "Ok" "Good, you're coming home with me" "Why do you want me to come over?" "There are things that we can't do in a park that are much more fun in my room, I think you get the idea"

My crush actually just said he wants to have sex with me and my lungs are literally about to cave in from shock. I'll look so stupid if I wake up with him and he kicks me out or if he tells people how lame I was but who cares. It might be a joke just to embarrass me about the fact I think I'm worthy of having sex with Patrick but if there's even a tiny chance I might get to do it it's worth it. What have I got to loose anyway?

"Are you a virgin?" "Oh um....... No" "Really?" "Yeah" "Good, I don't have time to walk you through things" "Have you slept with a guy?" "Yes" "I've never heard about that, usually anyone you sleep with is gossip for ages" "I'm not too public about sleeping with men, I do it more then you think though, sometimes girls just aren't what I need"

It's awkward talking about this considering the fact I'm a giant 16 year old virgin and Patrick's 18 and super experienced. I know lying is bad, especially about something like this but he said he didn't have time for virgins so I'll just pretend. If I suck he'll just think it's because I'm a loser which he already probably thinks I am so he doesn't have to know.

"Come on, we're getting pizza" "Pizza?" "Yes, pizza" "Why?" "Because I'm not cooking and my cousins stupid so unless you want me to pass out in the middle of sex because I'm starving then we need food" "Didn't you eat lunch?" "Yeah but that was hours ago" "You won't pass out" "Obviously you haven't met me, food is important"

We end up outside a pizza place and I wait outside while Patrick goes to buy them. My hands are trembling even worse now because now he'll watch me eat which is always horrifying and soon I'll be having sex. I should just tell him I'm a virgin so he can go easy on me but he said that's not what he wants. I'd rather have sex that feels like setting stabbed in my asshole then loose this chance. The guy I've been obsessed with since middle school is taking me on a date and offering to fuck me so nothing is making me give this up. I don't care if all his friends are watching or if this doesn't mean anything to him or he literally rips me in two. This is my only chance to be with Patrick so I'll do anything for it.

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