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Sammy skips over to me the next morning and holds out his hand "We're going on an adventure, adventure time with Sammy". I laugh and take his hand so he can skip with me down the hall until we get to Damian's locker where Damian and Patrick are waiting.

"Alright losers I have adventure time with Sammy all planned out. I don't actually but I wanted an excuse to hold Pete's hand and skip down the corridor with him so we'll meet back here at lunch and I'll find an adventure".

He's adorable and excited and even though I don't actually know what adventure time with Sammy is, I lean against his shoulder and nod "Yeah ok, that's fun". Sammy squeals happily and twirls me around then glares at his boyfriend "You're coming, it's in the boyfriend code and you're coming" "Do I have to?" "Yeah motherfucker it's adventure time, you can bring the asshole if you want"

Obviously Patrick knows that Sammy's talking about him because he leans against Damian's shoulder and rolls his eyes "Whatever, I don't wanna be involved in this stupid adventure". Sammy giggles and links his arm with mine "We don't like you anyway, Pete's my friend and Damian's my boyfriend so I can blackmail them both in and it'll be fun without you"

He's cute when he's sassy and I'm still just so happy about having a friend like this that I cling to his arm tightly and try to stand as close to him as possible

Patrick seems pissed off at the three of us so he bumps his shoulder against Damian's then comes over to whisper in my ear "Have fun on your adventure, don't you dare touch Sammy though. I love Damian and if you steal, touch or hurt his boyfriend I will make your life a living hell"

He leaves so I have to snake my arm out of Sammy's and let him go over to Damian and kiss his lips. I really hope Patrick doesn't think I'm stealing Sammy because I'm definitely not. I love Patrick and I do like Sammy but I'd never like Sammy like that. If I even thought about it then Damian and Patrick would both hunt me down and murder me so I never would.

I want to stay here and talk to them and have fun and hug Sammy and do stupid physical friend things but now I can't. Every time I do anything with Sammy I'll be terrified I'm going too far and that Patrick will hate me for it. I just wanted to make friends and be around someone who actually likes me but now if I get too involved in it I could loose Patrick.

When the bell goes I let Sammy wrap me in a hug then I quickly go to class and try to find a way to talk to Patrick. I wanna tell him that I would never make Sammy cheat and even if I wanted to do that he would never. He loves Damian and Damian loves him, he'd never cheat and he'd definitely never cheat with someone like me when he has someone like Damian. Damian's beautiful and popular and confident and they're perfect together, he'd never even think about dating me when he's already got such a great boyfriend. I don't know if Patrick doesn't see that but Sammy would do anything for Damian so he'd never be anything more than friends with me.

For the whole of gym class I'm distracted so when Sammy comes skipping up to me at lunch I link my arm through his "Can we ditch this whole plan? Do we have to go on some amazing adventure with the two guys we love? Can I just talk to you for a while?". Sammy smirks and starts pulling me down the hall "No we can't ditch this whole thing, I finally have a plan for some fun. We can take the long route to get to the assholes so you can rant to me on the way, off you go"

I hum and let him walk me along as I just start to talk "I really do think Patrick's mad at me even though I asked Damian and he said he wasn't. He told me to stay away from you because he thought I'd make you cheat and it's so bullshit because neither of us would do that but it scares me. I like you and I wanna be your friend but I love Patrick and he means so much to me. If he makes me choose I'd have to choose him because I love him and I'd never be able to be your friend even though I really fucking want a friend. Please tell your boyfriend that I love Patrick not you and that neither of us would ever dream of being together. He's Damian and he's beautiful and perfect so if Patrick honestly thinks you'd choose to have sex with me instead of Damian then he's kidding himself"

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