Chapter 1: A Terrible Accident

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I stuck a shovel into the ground to bury my victim. My hands shook repeatedly due to the eerie feeling that crept up my body. A body right beside me, lifeless.

Police sirens were heard from a distance. "My life is over," I thought. I walked out onto the road where the police would eventually reach me. I didn't put my hands up to surrender, nor did I move out the way. I stood there, looking forward as police cars drove toward me. "I'm ready to die."

12 weeks earlier...

A cold breeze brushed my exposed skin. Every exhale led to condensation. The wind pushed my dark sleek hair through the air. My teeth clattered as I rubbed my arms for warmth.

"Why didn't you bring a coat, Crystal?" My friend, William asked.

"I was in a hurry," I replied.

The bus's tires screeched across the dark pavement. The bus door made the sounds of air pressure when it opened. I sat beside William on the bus.

William was my best friend. The sun always shone off of his chocolate-brown hair. He always looked cool with a cap on, listening to music on his headphones. "Hey, so what are your plans for after high school?" He always asked about my future plans, even though I'd told him about 100 times already. "Well, I plan to go to college. Then, maybe have a family or something. I have always wanted to go to Paris." I replied.

William always annoyed me in his own unique way, but I didn't know what I'd do without him. I've known the guy since the third grade, now in my senior year of high school alongside him.

The bus arrived at my school after a ten-minute drive. "Hey Crystal, are you coming over today?" William asked, stepping off the bus. William always enjoyed when I came over his house. We'd watch horror movies together and piss our pants. "Yeah, I'll be over after school."

William and I headed to class shortly after the morning bell had rung. I was a huge fan of the first period, but others didn't seem to think so.

"So... what is history?" Mr. Allen asked.

Half the class asleep, and the other half waiting silently for one of their peers to answer, I broke the awkward silence.

"History is the study of past events."

"You are correct, Crystal."

Yeah, I was the smart girl in class. I took my education seriously, or at least somewhat. My life was already planned out like one of those house blueprints. One of my main goals in life was to take a trip to Paris. I'd always wanted to go there and view Paris from the Eiffel Tower.

"Okay students, chapter seven, Civil War."

Lunch had come the fourth period. William and I always sat next to each other at lunch along with a few other friends. That was the highlight of lunch, sitting with friends. But, the lunch itself wasn't.

"Here you go," The lunch lady said as she plopped what looked like dog dung onto my plate.

"Thanks," I said with a fake smile on my face.

I sat next to William, across from Tom. Right beside Tom sat Trisha. We were the four stooges.

"What... the hell... is this?" William asked as he wore a face of disgust, holding the dog dung with a spoon.

"I don't know, and don't want to know."

Joslyn, the Queen-Bitch of high school approached us and I knew it wasn't going to be good. She'd been harassing me and William since middle school, and it's come to the point where I have had it.

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