Chapter 8: Still Here

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My heart pounded out of my chest. William is in trouble. I need to save him. A million questions flooded my head. Would I be able to save him? Where would I find him? Is he already dead? I didn't know the answers to either of those questions.

Another ding ringed my ears.

Unknown: You're going to do as I ask, Crystal. Or else, I'll send you a photo of William's throat gashed open. Follow my instructions and William won't get hurt.

Me: How do I know he isn't already dead?

Unknown: I guess you don't...

I promised myself that if this fuck laid a finger on William, I'd dedicate my life to making his a living hell.

Me: Where am I supposed to go?

Unknown: Have you ever gone on treasure hunts, Crystal?

Me: What?

Unknown: Inside your house are clues scattered around that will help you find William.

Me: What kind of sick game are you playing?

Unknown: My favorite game.

God damn it. The unknown number is sending me on some stupid treasure hunt now so I can reach William.

Me: What's my first clue?

Unknown: You're the first clue, Crystal.

Me: What?

Unknown: Good luck.

I didn't know what to do. Think, Crystal. Think! It hit me. I walked over to my mother who was shocked at what was happening. "Mom, do you have any jewelry?"

"What?" She replied.

"Do you have any jewelry? Like gems or diamonds?"

"Yeah, in my jewelry box. Why?"

"Thanks, mom!" I yelled, running to my parent's room. My shoulder rushed through their room door. I began looking around like a hawk. My eyes stop at my mother's jewelry box labeled 'Catherine'. I opened up the box, viewing the insides. I saw many shiny jewels and necklaces. One of the necklaces had a crystal implanted in them. There was a paper slip under it. I pulled the slip from under the crystal necklace. It said "Under the tree, you may go. Go to Courtney's coffee shop and ask for Joe." I guess I'm going downtown. I rushed down stairs, nearly tripping.

"Mom, can I use your car?" I asked.

"Sweetheart, you can't go anywhere. The police are protecting us."

"But, I need to go."

"Honey, even If I wanted you to go, I couldn't let you. The police will not let anyone leave this house until they know we're safe".

I texted the unknown number.

Me: The police are not going to let me leave.

Unknown: Well, I guess it was a good run for William.

Me: NO. Wait! I can figure something out!"

Unknown: Well, you'd better do it quick. The clock is ticking and William is running out of time, Crystal. You have 24 hours. Set your watch to 24 hours.

Me: How do you know I have a watch?

Unknown: You're in no position to ask questions, Crystal. Just do it... and Crystal... you will not gain any type of help from the police... or anyone else... or bad things will happen.

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