I'm Fine

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Jake wakes up due to Harry shaking him. Harry has a worried expression on his face and Sirius is looking down at him with the same expression. "What happened?" Harry asks Jake with a worried voice. Jake yawns and shrugs.

"I overwhelmed myself and I passed out on the floor, no big deal" jake says carelessly.

"No big deal!" Sirius says. "I just sent a letter to your father telling him that I found his son past out on his bedroom floor, what will he say when he gets here?" Sirius asks worried.

"Why don't you ask him?" Jake says with a smirk. He looks up at his father who is standing in the door way. "Hello father, you can go home now. I'm fine" jake says almost drunkenly.

"You haven't been drinking have you?" Severus asks. Jake laughs.

"Alcohol has never touched these lips in my life" Jake says truthfully. "If I had been drinking, I think I would have told you father"

"Trust me, no you wouldn't have" Sirius jokes. Severus glares at him and Sirius puts his hands up in surrender. "No I mean yeah he defiantly would tell you." Sirius says with a laugh. "Do you really think I would let your son drink under my roof?"

"I went to school with you. I know for a fact that you would let him drink under your roof" Severus says with a small smirk on his face.

"Did you just make a joke dad?" Jake asks with a smile. Sirius is just standing there with a smirk on his face. "All I did was make Katie come back, it wore me out but I am fine now. That was the last time. I promise" jake explains. Severus nods.

"Just please remember that doing that can kill you" Severus mutters. Jake nods.

"I know and before the school year starts I am going to have the funniest three weeks that I can possibly have" jake says with a smile. "I'm not going to move forward if I don't try right?"

"Right." Severus says softly. "Just remember that you can come home when ever you want"


The next day Sirius woke them up early. It was a nice day, the sun was shining through the window onto Sirius' excited face. "You said you wanted to have fun" Sirius said to Jake before Jake threw a pillow onto his face.

"Not this early in the day" jake groans into the pillow.

"Well the Quidditch game starts in an hour so I think it has to be this early in the day" Sirius says. A smirk appears on his face when Jake straight away jumps out of bed. He loved anything to do with quidditch so this was extremely exciting for him.

Sirius leaves the room and goes to Harry's to wake him up. Jake gets dressed quickly and for the first time for weeks Katie isn't on his mind. They meet downstairs where a messy haired, tired Harry is standing with his button up shirt on crooked. "Don't you know how to dress yourself?" Jake asks with a snicker. Harry looks down at his shirt and quickly fixes it.

"He was awake late last night watching TV, can you believe this kid? You get one muggle object and it becomes his obsession" Sirius says, he rolls his eyes. Jake chuckles.

"You don't see the appeal because you didn't grow up around TV's" Harry mutters.

"I heard somewhere that it turns your eyes square" Jake says thoughtfully.

"That's just a thing adults tell children to stop them watching it, it's not true" Harry grumbles tiredly. "Lets go to the stupid quidditch game"

"Wow, since when is quidditch stupid?" Sirius asks. "I was a beater you know?"

"Quidditch is stupid when you get woken up at 6am to watch it"

Severus Snape's Son: Book 4 Where stories live. Discover now