Prank Wars

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Jake sits in his seat, even though he won't be sitting the whole game. Before the game starts he notices a family of red heads appear in the box that they are sitting in. "Fred, George" jake says with a smile.

"Jakey" Fred says as he runs over and throws jake over his shoulder and spins him around. He puts a dizzy jake down. "Hey mate"

"Hey Jakey" George says. Jake rolls his eyes because he hates being called that. "I didn't think we'd see you here"

"Why not?" Jake asks with a small smile. Fred and George look at each other wondering if they should say something about Katie but they decide not to.

"Well, you know this is a big arena. What are the chances that we ended up in the same place?" Fred asks with a smile.

"Very slim" George replies.

"Exactly" Fred says. Jake chuckles and nods.

"I guess it is a very slim chance" jake murmurs. Sirius comes up and greets Fred and George.

"How's it going Padfoot? Man if we knew before that you were Padfoot we would have broke you out of prison ourselves" Fred states. George nods in agreement.

"No need for that now" sirius says with a smile.

"Of course not, would you mind if we learnt from the pranking master?" George asks. Sirius chuckles and shakes his head.

"I think I'll teach Jake first" Sirius says while ruffling up Jakes hair. Jakes smirks at Fred and George.

"That's not fair, how are we suppose to prank Jakey boy?" Fred asks.

"Think of your own pranks" jake replies with a smirk. "Today marks the start of prank wars"

"It's so on" George says.

"The rules are that you two aren't allowed to work as a team" Sirius puts in.

"Well that's not fair, we always work as a team" Fred says with a pout. Jake just smirks and turns towards the game of qudditch that's about to start. "Fine than, let the pranks begin"


After the game finished Harry and Jake were getting ready to go home when Harry said. "Can we please stay here for the night? The Weasley's have two tents" Harry asks. Sirius thinks about it for a moment.

"I'll talk to Arthur" he says before walking off towards the red headed family.

"So why do you want to stay?" Jake asks.

"The prank wars have begun apparently and I'm excited to see what happens, can I help?" Harry asks. Jake thinks about it for a moment and he sighs.

"Sorry, you can't. Sirius already said that Fred and George can't help each other, I think it would be unfair if you helped" jake says. A smug smile appears on Harry's face. "What?"

"FRED, GEORGE HE'S GOOD" Harry yells out. Fred and George walk over and pat jake on the back.

"Now that we know you're not going to cheat... the prank wars begin" Fred says with a smirk, he gives jake a big pat on the back and jake feels something get attached. Jakes eyes widen before he falls to the floor paralysed. Fred walks away laughing. Harry turns jake over and takes the thing off his back. Jake stands up quickly.

"Smart one, my brother... that's a temporary paralysing sticker. It's laced with magic and only lasts for five minutes if it stays on" George explains. "Happy prank wars" he says before walking away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2017 ⏰

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