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Your POV-
Urghhh... where am I? Am I at the hospital... RECAP TIME! Hmm.. so I was shot in the arm... great...
Out of the blue, Cat, Olivia, Denis, Sketch, Alex, Sam, Yammy, and Corl who was rubbing his left arm. (he got a needle)

This time skip is brought to you by the lazy author! Now someone needs to name this dot.

Denis's POV-
We were all home... yay! Now I can drag Cat into a room and yell at he- oh um I mean... apologise ;)
'Ay Cat come here!' I yelled. Gingerly, (rip Ginger 😭) she came into the room.
'Look, I'm sorry...' I said apologetically.
'Gta sucks.' She told me.
'WHAT THE FUDGE CAT OMG!' I walked out of the room.
Corl's POV-
I held Y/N tightly. I couldn't let her get hurt again. Or anyone. I was the least important person in the pals. (Naw don't think that Corl ☹️)
'I love you Corl.' She was obviously still shaken up. I pulled out a poem from my pocket.
Your lips so soft and red,
the thought of kissing you is stuck in my head.
Your beauty so bright and warm,
shinning through the darkest storm.
Your eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky,
when I stare into them I feel like I am soaring high.
My love for you is pure and true,
I never stop thinking of you.
The sound of your voice saying "I love you" makes my heart pound
because I knew I'd truly found my one and only.
I promise to love you for every moment of forever
and when everything else crumbles, I will never.
I am your armor to protect you from harm,
like you are to me, a lucky charm.
For you are my heart, my soul,
baby you are my whole world.
She smiled as she read the poem.
'Nothing will stop me from loving you.' She says.
Timmie's POV-
Ok, so she loves poems. I'll just have to write one.
After hours of trying to write a poem, I came up with this.
If I thought for just one moment that this would be my last breath,
I'd tell you I'll love you forever, even beyond death.
If I thought for just one moment that your face would be the last I'd see,
I'd take a million pictures and save them just for me.
If I thought for just one moment that your voice would be the last I'd hear,
I'd listen attentively and promise not to shed a tear.
If I thought for just one moment that your touch would be the last I'd feel,
I'd embrace you and know that this has all been real.
If I thought for just one moment that my heart would beat its last beat,
I'd thank the Lord for allowing us to meet.
I signed the poem, and placed it under her door, rang the doorbell, and ran.
'MAIL!' I heard someone yell. Then something broke my heart. The sound of pages being ripped.
Are you Sirius!?
Cat's POV-
I heard someone yell 'Are you Sirius!?' So I had to look who did. It was Timmie. I couldn't... I needed to say nice pun but... He shot Y/N!
No! I have to say nice pun...
'Hey!' I walked up to Timmie. 'Nice pun!'
'Oh.. Uhh... Thanks?' He stuttered. Suddenly there was a strong grip on my shoulders. I was thrown into the boot of the car.
'LET ME OUT!' I screamed like a wild animal.
'Grrrrrr...' I kicked the driver and passenger in the head and they both were knocked out. I took control of the steering wheel. I drove to the police station and ran in.
'These people tried to kidnap me!'
'What?' A police yelled. 'Take me to them!' I led him to the car.
'Wow, how did you get them here?' The officer asked. I explained.
'Very impressive, and very VERY dangerous. Where are your parents?' The officer said.
'I'm 19... my parents are back in Australia...' I said.
'Right.' He came a little closer.
'Why you so close? I have a little personal bubble you know.'
'Sorry but, I think you'd make a good police officer.'
'Umm... WUT... I already have my dream job...'
'Meet me on Sunday at 5.' 'Oh um! Ok! Cya!'
Olivia's POV-
'WHERE'S CAT?!' I screamed. Then Cat walked though the door.
'I was just kidnapped.'

LOl! I'm sorry my internet isn't working I've been outside for about 30 minutes trying to find flipping mobile service so I could publish this... well yea... and this isn't 1000 words... as I said up there... the wifi isn't working... soo
Ps. I don't make these poems...

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