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Third person POV-
Cat, Olivia and Denis were rushed to hospital.
'We better follow them!' Sketch yelled and jumped into the car. (Wait why do we take the bus when we have a car XD) Sketch drove Corl and Sub to the hospital. They got there before the ambulance.
'There they are!' Corl said as the workers rushed Denis and Cat into a room.
'Oh hey guys, I told them that you were coming so you can just follow me.' Olivia said. They all pushed into Cat's and Denis's room. They were already connected to all types of flipping machines. Another nurse walked up to us.
'There you are Corl. You still have medicine to take.' She said in a slightly irritated voice. Corl followed the nurse.
The doctor explain that the mark will scar blah blah blah... then something came out of his mouth.
'Retrograde amnesia due to hitting her head.'
'What about Denis!?' Sketch yelled.
'He's fine. Also I have an update on y/n. She's going to have an operation to remove fragments of the bullet from her skin.'

I'm sorry guys! I'm busy right now and we just hit 1K! I will make another one thousand word chapter tomorrow.
Keep meowing my kitties!

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