Eva the bish

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LOL well this is a I'm sorry for not updating much. Soo EVA IS A BISH (soz if your name is Eva...)

Corl's POV:
Sunday... Cat disappeared, Olivia disappeared, Sketch disappeared ok well everyone except y/n and I. We were watching Netflix... I woke up with y/n leaning her head on my shoulder. She was asleep. There was a knock on the door. Y/N woke up in surprise and followed me to the door.
"Who could it be on this boring day?" She sung like birds chirping. (Do you guys know what I got Who could it be on this boring day off? Well I got it off what would you do for a Klondike bar.)
I opened the brown, oak door. There was a goth girl standing there.
"Hi, I'm Eva. Do you remember me from high school?" She said.
"No." I was sad I didn't remember her, she's so flipping beautiful! I stood there staring at her.
"Hell-o!" She said. "There's going to be a reunion at my place. Bring your friends. Oh and the wimpy girl beside you." She said. I was speechless as she left.
"I like gothic girls." I said to Y/N. But she wasn't there.
"Y/N?" I yelled. There was no answer.
Your POV
Denis said Corl had a thing for goths back in high school. He must of dated the same girl in high school.
"Y/N?" I heard Corl call. I cried. I want Corl. There was a bang on the window. A blonde haired boy was there.
"Hi Timmie." I said opening the window.
"Hey Y/N. I heard what happened." He said climbing through. I kissed Timmie then backed away.
"Timmie, you need to go." I said.
"I understand." He said then jumped out the window.
Corl broke down my door.
"I heard everything. I saw everything." He said.
"What are you going to do about it?" I whispered.

WOW SO SO SO SO SORRY! So recently my phone broke.. I had to reset it but I couldn't reset it BECAUSE SOMEONE PUT A RESTRICTIONS PASSCODE ONTO MY PHONE. It wasn't my mum. So I had to plug it into my computer, do a backup, open it with ibackupbot, get the key and salt then put it into a website and after a while it cracked it! Then I could remove the restrictions and reset the phone! Yay!! Then I had to set it up again... but I did connect it to the computer to get the my stuff back.
Sooo yeah.

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